Noah? Wherefore Art Thou, Noah?

From around Elk River, here in America’s Third World County:

About 6 miles south-southeast of twc central.

Now, I’ve canoed under that bridge with the river at normal levels, and the underside was ~20′ overhead. Water’s sure stacking up downstream as the water’s fed into the river upstream at a continuous pace of “pretty darned fast”.

BTW, there’s a pretty good drop off from where you can see that lil stand of electric poles and transformers on down to the usual river bed and a pretty good lil stretch of bottom land there. The pic was taken from a side road that MODOT has now listed as closed.

Luckily, our lil “crick” about 300′ back of twc central isn’t really rising nearly as fast or as much as the creek further downstream that it’s feeding (and which itself feeds,way on down, into Elk River), but if things keep going, we might just see some water approach our back door. Hope not. Be a mess to clean up.

Just barely south of where Lovely Daughter lives, in Benton County, AR, this roadside park just east of Highway 71:

You can’t tell from the pic, but the water’s flowing pretty strongly through there.

Here’re some shots from a town about 12 miles south-southwest of twc central. The first features a two-story building on a campground on a slight rise from Elk River. The second is a little later and of the highway from which the roof of the building in the first photo can be looked directly across to:

2 Replies to “Noah? Wherefore Art Thou, Noah?”

    1. I don’t row, Layla (although I’m quite happy to paddle a canoe :-)). Since I’ve not lost my “winter fat” though, I do have plenty of “flotation material” to suffice, canoe or no. *heh*

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