Weather Offlines TWC Central

Update: More rain last night and more expected over the next few days. The creek behind twc central hasn’t advanced over its banks, although downstream, due to other tributaries and some backing up from overfull, constricted areas downstream–as close as 1/4 mile–it’s still pretty hairy.

Still no internet connection @twc central, so updates are going to be sparse. Here’s a pic from yesterday,down by the bridge about 1/4 mile south of us. Do note that the date stamped by the camera is off by one day. The pic was taken on the 24th.

Note the rock and gravel washed up on the other side that’s completely blocking the street.

The tornado that struck (one of dozens in the area, according to reports) about 35-40 miles north of America’s Third World County took our ISP down for most of this area. I’m (in an undisclosed location *heh*) a mini-buncha miles south of twc central in a library parking lot leeching off its public WiFi, now.

No pics of the devastation north of us. Son&Heir drove up there yesterday, unaware of the destruction, since our cable–all of it,TV and internet–had been down since about the time the tornado hit, and we’re not really much of a radio family (for one thing, living in a “radio black hole” has kind of trained us away from listening, and for another, there’s not a lot ofselection around here anyway). Anywho, we got a direct report, but since he was trying NOT to rubberneck (and cause an accident) but just get out of the way quickly, no pics from him, either.

But, here are some pics from about 200′ behind twc central. Note that yesterday’s pic is on the right and this a.m.’s is on the left. What a difference a DAY MAKES, EH?

6 Replies to “Weather Offlines TWC Central”

  1. We here need no force of nature to disconnect the internet as Cox Cable does a good enough job on its own. Sporadic service for over a week now has forced me to get my porn from newstands and with the price of gas that is almost enough for me to cut down.


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