I’m Not Complaining… Honest!

The Joplin tornado event took down our ISP for a couple of days. Seriously. Only a couple of days. A tornado plowed right through the infrastructure it uses (cable) and took out tons and tons of essential infrastructure, and it was back online in a couple of days’ time.

Not bad.

So when I post the access speeds below, I’m NOT complaining. Heck, they still beat the heck out of DSL “speeds” from our local baling wire and tin cup telco–and at lower cost–so I have nothing to complain about, but I still can hardly wait for stutterless video feeds, etc…

OK, I am going to bitch a bit about these “speeds”:

*sigh* Gag me.

4 Replies to “I’m Not Complaining… Honest!”

  1. Those speeds are still ten to fifty times fsster than the so-called (laughably I might add if it weren’t so frustrating) “high speed” interner provided where I’m staying for the moment.

    1. *gag*

      38.8-190kbps d/ls?!? Dude, that’s barely “better” than dialup! (But it’s still not much worse than ADSL from our mom n pop, baling wire and tin cup local telco… at $60/month! *feh*) Sucks to be where you are, for access, man. Can’t you at least leech off someone else’s wireless? /jk cos I know you wouldn’t. 🙂

  2. And speaking of Joplin tornado… I heard in the newsroom today that 4 people who survived it have now died from some fungal infection caused by the tornado.

    WHAT??? Have you heard anything about that? Anyway, supposed to be in the paper tomorrow maybe.

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