Also in honor of ice cream day:

I proudly present Yak the Younger’s favorite take on the old “I scream, you scream” rhyme, apparently invented on the spot at the dinner table.

Looking down at the plate as it was placed in front of him, an eight year-old Yak the Younger proclaimed,

“I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for ASPARAGUS!”

Rock on, little yak. Rock on.

Some Things Really Tick Me Off.

And (as most of you probably figured out) we’re going to talk about one of them.

The “thing of the moment” happens to involve slanted, partisan “news coverage” by certain members of the mainstream media. Namely, CNN, which in my mind now stands for something slightly different than its owners and editors probably believe. More accurately, several somethings, none of them polite or appropriate for a family blog (and at least one of which I shouldn’t have to mention, because statistically, at least 95% of you have already thought of it).

But, you may ask, why this sudden need to post the obvious? Why this Friday-night harangue against the Monday Morning Quarterbacks of the news world? Why the need to point out something that everyone already knew?

Mainly because the photo essays CNN has posted in the past 48 hours have really ticked me off.

Why? Because the photographs accompanying CNN’s alleged coverage of the developing situation in Israel, Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East have been anything but neutral – and skewered photojournalism represents (to my mind at least) one of the more reprehensible forms of partisan reporting.

CNN has chosen to accompany its reports of violence and missile exchanges between Hezbollah and the State of Israel with a number of photo essays, each of which contain the same curious anomaly. Photographs taken in Israel show tanks, missiles being launched toward Lebanon, militia and military forces or combinations thereof. Photographs taken in Lebanon show fires burning, the rubble and destruction caused by missiles (presumably fired from Israel) or other signs of damage caused by attacks from Israel.

Anyone else notice the difference?

News reports which accompany the photos present threats, reactions and reports of military strikes on both sides – and clearly CNN has access to photos from photographers on both sides of the lines. So the question is: why do we see only destruction on one side and only aggression on the other? CNN’s own news stories indicate both sides have taken aggressive action and both sides have suffered damage. Why, then, does CNN treat its viewers to lopsided photographic coverage?

After considering the situation, I’ve come up with a few possibilities:

1. Photographers in Lebanon cannot find any members of Hezbollah engaging in aggressive acts, whereas photographers in Israel cannot find any destruction. (After all, Israel is such a big place, it’s probably difficult to find where the rockets land…)

2. Photographers in Lebanon move slowly, and arrive at the scene only after everything has already been engulfed in flames, whereas photographers in Israel see rockets coming and move away quickly. (Suggesting that perhaps the AP sends its slow photographers to Lebanon…)

3. Someone has consciously manipulated photographic evidence in an attempt to distort the viewer’s impression of events in the area, making the armies of Israel appear aggressive while displaying Lebanon as a weak victim of Israel’s aggression. (Nah, that couldn’t possibly be the answer. Everyone knows the mainstream media isn’t biased.)

Whether the photographic evidence represents a conscious (or unconscious) attempt to sway the opinion of the viewer, the result of haphazard photographic coverage or merely a perfectly random and accidental occurrence, the fact remains that CNN’s photographic coverage appears significantly out of balance – a fact which creates a dangerous potential for misleading the unwary viewer. A person watching only the photos, and not paying attention to the wider story, could easily leave with the impression that Israel, and not Hezbollah, was the aggressor and that Lebanon was suffering damage while Israel walked away unscathed. Granted, anyone who reads the coverage and pays attention to the reality underlying the media accounts can tell this is not the case, but powerful images like the ones currently coming out of Israel and Lebanon should not be used without discretion.

As the old adage says, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and lopsided photojournalism reeks of irresponsibility – no matter what the underlying reason or cause.

If CNN didn’t have access to enough photographs to demonstrate that both sides have suffered physical damage and both sides have missiles to launch, then editors could – and in my opinion should – have refrained from publishing photo essays showing the current “state” of the conflict. To publish images showing only the military might of Israel and the destruction its forces have wrought upon the poor, desperate (terrorist-harboring) state of Lebanon appears – to my eyes – an endorsement of Lebanon and Hezbollah and a condemnation of the state of Israel, which has finally chosen military action as a reasonable alternative to silence in the wake of not one but many terrorist attacks.

And that really ticks me off.

(Permit me to note, momentarily in closing, that my views are my own and not necessarily those of David or Third World County. And yes, I support the sovereign state of Israel and its right to defend itself against attack.)

BlamE the U.S. and IsraeL… who else?


Kindly cross posted over at: thirdworldcounty

“KARACHI, Pak-istan – A suicide bomber blew himself up outside the home of a prominent Sh-iite Mus-lim cleric Friday, killing the cleric and a bodyguard and triggering a riot in this southern Pakistani city…

Suicide blast kills 3 people in Pakistan continues…

…After the attack, hundreds of his youthful followers set fire to a state-owned gas station and damaged a bank branch and some shops..

In addition to the rioters, about 300 youths gathered near Turabi’s house, weeping and chanting slogans against America and Israel, usual targets of anger in the wake of acts of violence in this Is-lamic nation.”

O.K. kids time for Math class.
About 80 percent of Pakistan’s 150 million people are Su-nni; most of the rest are Sh-iite.
So…er….what’s up with the ahem….”youths”, a.k.a. Muzlim terrorists, to those of us in the REAL world…..chanting slogans against America and Israel?
Where exactly is the not-so-fine line that distinguishes Americans from their enemies?…uh perhaps the fact that 80% of the country is Muzlim may be a bit of hint there ?

Here’s another hint to those intellectually challenged.
America was conceived in liberty and has maintained its faith in the principal that all men are created equal.
Got that?

I will leave Liberals out of this discussion as they have utilized our democracy and our hard earned freedoms to subvert the very Constitution and Laws that are the source of them.

Apparently many Muzlim communities across the world believe that Americans and Israelis deserve abductions, mutilation, and beheadings.

Another difference between US and them:
According to our enemies………
Severing heads off of humans seems to be an acceptable form of resistance to American or Israeli perceived “occupation” and thus a valid method of retaliation.

For those seeped in denial..many of the A-rabs and Muzlims living in your own communities who happen to have access to the Internet, or the local mosque, support such blatant anti-Americanism and anti Israelism.

Not to mention the good ole American Muzzzzzzzzlim organizations with tons of money and considerable influence.

Most of whom receive monetary and a great deal of political support from foreign countries that just happen to support what they affectionately call “fundamentalist Izlam.”
For the list of haters see this here post: Who hates America and Israel the most?

Of course all these ahem… “groups” claim only to be working to safeguard the civil rights of American Muzlims. cough cough.

But others have actually checked into their records, and guess what? They were found to be supporting and working for those foreign interests that are hell bent on destroying the United States and Israel.

How some of them even manage to procure American passports is still a mystery to me and no doubt to anyone who hasn’t lost their alleged mind just yet.

So g’head Pakki’s…chant your anti-America and anti-Israel slogans.
Maybe we can put it to some music and have us a new hit single.


Cross posted over at :WomanHonorThyself

This post approved by the underpants gnomes.

Just when you thought the British police might stand a chance of shedding that “keystone kops” reputation… (ok, so some of us didn’t actually think so, but it makes a good hook).

A police-sponsored British magazine (pseudo-appropriately titled, “Safe”) apparently ran a story recommending that women should make sure they wear nice underpants when heading out to get drunk. The variation on the old ‘in case you get hit by a bus’ line seems to be ‘in case you pass out and some nice police-officer-or-other-third-party gets a look at your knickers while you’re incapable of requesting your pants be left on.’

(For the record, I never quite understood the whole “wear nice underpants in case you get hit by a bus” philosophy – but then, I’ve never seen a bus knock someone’s pants off, either).

Although police spokesmen claim the publication was designed as “a spoof” and the advice tongue-in-cheek, the British police should probably learn a few important lessons from the recent public response:

1. Most people don’t read police-sponsored magazines for humor value.

2. In fact, most people don’t appreciate humor even in humor magazines – to say nothing of police publications.

3. Even the Keystone Kops might have paused momentarily before telling young women “if you’re going to get drunk, make sure to wear clean undies.”

And most important of all…

4. If you’re going to give advice about ladies’ undergarments, don’t be surprised if someone gets her knickers in a twist.

Help! ;-)

No time to cruise my blogroll. Seriously. Please link some good stuff to this post and track back. Open trackback posting all weekend long on this post. I’ll visit linked posts as I can, but I’m not even answering all my (legitimate) email this week. *sigh*

Meanwhile, thanks for all the help, TRY and TRUA!

As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

It’s outta here….

July 9-15: Sports Cliche Week.

In honor of the occasion, permit me to present a few of my favorites (you know, the ones that make you want to crawl through the screen and gag the announcers with their ugly ties…):

“It’s theirs to lose (or to win).” (Pay no attention to the other team behind the curtain – or over the net – or behind the football…)

“It’s all over but the crying.” (Not according to the clock.)

“It’s not over till it’s over.” (Thanks for the reminder.)

“This is a real train wreck.” (Funny, I didn’t see an engine. Or a caboose…)


“He’s no Arnold Palmer.” (And you’re no rocket scientist…)

“That’s a difficult putt. He might make it – but he might not.” (Which does pretty much cover the possibilities…)

“He’s going to be happy with that one.” (Sure glad you’re hear to clear these things up for us.)

“The best player who’s never won a major.” (Which makes him what – the best loser on the links?)


“It’s decision time.” (Haven’t made any until now?)

“They need a plan, and they need to execute.” (Apparently they’ve been winging it so far.)

“You could drive a truck through that hole.” (But unfortunately not through the gaps in Madden’s neverending commentary.)

“He’s gonna feel that tomorrow.” (Probably accurate, definitely unnecessary.)


“The sweetheart of the games/competition/fans” (Someone pass me the insulin.)

“(S)he’s sacrificed everything for this moment.” (Not everything. Mostly just Oreos.)

Can you think of any I’ve missed? Comments are open…

Pre-early lunch break/Drive-by post

Things a lil hectic, Glad *GLAD!) for the support from TRY and TRUA posting in. Real quick 5-min posting.

This is from an eWeek review:

…while Firefox 2.0 is shaping up to be a good upgrade to Version 1.5 of the popular Web browser, it doesn’t look like it will be the slam-dunk over the forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 that Firefox 1.5 has been to the current IE 6.x.

For that matter, unless Firefox 2.0 and IE 7 improve greatly before their respective releases later in 2006, neither will come close to topping the quality of the already shipping Opera 9…

And from another eWeek review,

…if you want to see the features that other Web browsers will be adding in a year or two, you should download Opera 9, which was released on June 20. The free Opera 9 is available in Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD and Mac OS X versions.

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.


Yeh, O9’s cool.

Stop the ACLU

Crossposted from Stop the ACLU

I am going to assume that most people can agree that America’s population is found across a vast political spectrum. From libertarians and liberals to moderates and conservatives we find each other across a broad field on ideas and issues. Many times we can all agree that certain things are problems within society yet be on the opposite extremes on how to solve that problem. One of the problems of society that most people can agree on is that of crime. The solution to reducing this problem most likely is found somewhere in the middle and not the extremes.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU”

The Brink of War?

I have firmly believed since 9/11/2001 that World War 3 is nearly inevitable. The Islamofascists want this war and will do everything they can to force it upon us.
In a post earlier today, Hugh Hewitt quoted from President Lincoln’s second Inaugural address:

“Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.”

Just as they did 141 years ago Lincoln’s words cut to the very heart of truth. No matter what we do the Islamofascist’s ultimate goal is war.

Today’s events in Israel bring us to another critical moment in history. Israel responded swiftly, but this is just the beginning.

I called Hugh’s show earlier today after he stated Israel should bomb Damascus (one of Hezbollah’s puppet masters) tonight. My gut agrees but the question is and the one I asked Hugh is what then?

Will an air raid on Damascus be the preface for a larger war in the middle east?

How would Syria respond, or their allies and Hezbollah’s patriarch Iran?

Hugh answered they would do nothing. That the Syrians know they would loose a war with Israel. That sounds far too simple to me.

We are continuously told that our hands are tied with Iran and their nuclear ambitions because we are already occupied with Iraq, and Afghanistan and that the Iranian army would be a much tougher fight than Saddam’s Baathists. These concerns come from not only from the usual doves but some active duty and retired generals as well.

If Iran chooes to enter this war, and their president has been nothing but bellicose since his pseudo election, the US will certainly be drawn into it as well. An Israeli attack on Damascus would be seen by Achmadinawhackjob as a perfect moment to walk the walk.

As with all power mad, and delusional tyrants he has far more bravado than brains. Carelessly starting a world war is exactly what his kind are prone to. He would view the death of millions of Iranians as a glorious and noble moment in history, not the horrific and needless waste of life that it will be.

I am not arguing against US involvement. We must certainly support our ally Israel when and if they call for help. My only question is the timing. Do we want this war now?

Are we ready for this war now?

I fear too many Americans are not. A greater war in the middle east would undoubtedly be blamed on George Bush by the world and by many on the left here at home. The naked provocations of Hamas and Hezbollah, and the Iranian theocracy all but forgotten.

There is little doubt the islamofascists will continue to provoke both the United States and Israel until they eventually get the war they are seeking. Regardless we may have to wait for another 9/11 before Americans are united in their resolve to face the threat of islamofascism and crush it once and for all.

War may come tonight or it may be delayed for several months or even years but sooner or later War Will Come.

I hope and pray I am wrong.

***cross posted at The Real Ugly*** comments are encouraged

How to Fast Like a Moonbat

(Subtitle: “How on earth did I miss THIS story until now?”)

Fasting. According to the dictionary, “fasting” means “to abstain from food” or “to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods.”
People from many cultures and many faiths engage in fasting for various purposes. Religious fasts frequently involve a search for truth, awareness or a closer connection with God. The Bible speaks of various types of fasts and people who fasted for a wide range of reasons, some (Matthew 4) more righteous than others (Isaiah 58; Luke 5).

Notably, Christ warned against fasting for improper purposes and with inappropriate motives:

Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they will be noticed by men when they are fasting. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. “But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6.16-18 (NASB)

The hunger strike, a variant on fasting, involves a person (or people) refusing to eat in order to influence another person, government or organization to take (or cease) some desired action. Generally speaking, hunger strikes involve a complete fast, with the strikers taking in only water (or water and vitamin supplements) for extended periods of time. The underlying idea is that people, governments and organizations would rather alter their ways than find themselves responsible for the death (by starvation) of innocent people. And if that doesn’t provide enough of an incentive, the threat of humiliation in the eyes of the world (Look at that regime! Letting innocent people protest themselves to death! What evil, bad people they are) may provide a helping hand. In addition, the hunger strike sheds “light” on and calls attention to the cause for which the hunger strikers fast.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Which brings us to the real point of this post: certain members of the Barking Moonbat Brigade (led, of course and as always, by Cindy “what if we gave a book signing and nobody came” Sheehan) have decided to undertake what they’re calling a “fast” in order to force the evil Darth W and his Stormtroopers of Slurpee to withdraw from Iraq immediately, leaving the war unfinished and their promises to the Iraqi people unfulfilled.

All very well and good. Anyone has the right to refuse food in support of a chosen cause – just as anyone has a right to an opinion (with the caveat that the “right to an opinion” doesn’t necessarily make that opinion right).

After reading the Code Pink “Fasting Tips” I realized two things:

First, I now understand why they’re calling it a “fast” rather than a hunger strike (here’s a hint: it’s going to have something to do with that dictionary definition I stated at the top of the post).

And second: by following their instructions, anyone can fast – without even getting hungry in the process.

All of the recommendations below come from the Code Pink Fasting Tips page. (As always, italicized editorial comments are mine).

1. Code Pink recommends either “juice fasts” (drinking only liquids – notice they don’t recommend anything so confining as sticking to, say, juice…) or “water fasts” (drinking only water) – though “you can modify the fast by periodically eating slices of avocado and banana, or doing what is feasible for you.” (Now you can fast by foregoing the Oreos and just eating the burrito and the coke, if that’s what’s feasible. Especially if you put the burrito in the blender first…)

2. Tips for people electing the “water only” fast include drinking “smart water” – Glaceau fitness water, which includes electrolytes and “crystalline fructose” (hmm..looks like sugar to me) and adding EmergenC powder (which includes vitamins, electrolytes and sugar) to regular water. (Water fasts – they’re not just for water anymore!)

3. Long term juice fasts can include drinks made from fruits and vegetables! Also, occasionally dilute juices with water – “especially those high in sugar” – to avoid dehydration. (Gotta get enough water with that sugar! You’re fasting, and you don’t want to get dried out!)

4. Those with health conditions (diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc) for whom fasting is contraindicated may want to just “eat slices of avocado and banana every few hours, add high quality vegetable source protein powder to juices, and add psyllium or another good bulking agent to juices twice a day to regulate blood sugar levels.” (Avocados and bananas have no calories, you know. It’s like eating nothing at all. And smoothie drinkers are fasters, too!)

5. “How do I end the fast?” (Uh, start eating again? Oh, wait – if you never stopped it’s kind of hard to start up again. This is a tough one, after all.)

6. Suggested liquids include:
• water (yeah, see above),
• fruit juices (Cindy Sheehan apparently enjoys Jamba Juices with protein powder. For the record, the ingredient/nutrition information is here. Note that the linked smoothie has 400-937 calories, depending upon the size you pick. Whatever will she do, wasting away on this kind of limited diet?), • self-made fruit or vegetable drinks (don’t forget the protein powder, and dilute those high-sugar juices…),
• herbal tea (ok, no snarky remark on this one, as long as you’re not adding sugar and milk to it),
• coconut water (aka coconut milk – 552 calories in a one-cup serving)
• vegetable broth (looks like dinner to me)
• barley green (green what?)
• wheat grass juice (very healthy. Also very nasty.)

Or you can always model yourself on Cindy Sheehan’s digital diary and substitute coffee with vanilla ice cream (or Jamba Juice with protein powder).

Remember – as long as you can suck it through a straw, it’s a liquid – and that means you’re fasting!
(Dr. Sanity offers a Moonbat Mocha Mousse Mirage cake for those whose blenders need an extra workout – useful it its original form for those of us who don’t feel the need to suck our dinners through a straw.)

I notice, too, that Code Pink tells fasters right up front to make sure everyone knows they’re fasting and why.

Heaven forbid all their suffering should go without notice. (By men.)

Linked to others discussing moonbat fasting at Michelle Malkin (How Moonbats Fast), Fullosseous Flap’s Dental Blog (Wow! What a Fast!) and Moonbattery (How to get fat on a hunger strike)

Cross-posted from The Random Yak