Pre-early lunch break/Drive-by post

Things a lil hectic, Glad *GLAD!) for the support from TRY and TRUA posting in. Real quick 5-min posting.

This is from an eWeek review:

…while Firefox 2.0 is shaping up to be a good upgrade to Version 1.5 of the popular Web browser, it doesn’t look like it will be the slam-dunk over the forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 that Firefox 1.5 has been to the current IE 6.x.

For that matter, unless Firefox 2.0 and IE 7 improve greatly before their respective releases later in 2006, neither will come close to topping the quality of the already shipping Opera 9…

And from another eWeek review,

…if you want to see the features that other Web browsers will be adding in a year or two, you should download Opera 9, which was released on June 20. The free Opera 9 is available in Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD and Mac OS X versions.

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.


Yeh, O9’s cool.

2 Replies to “Pre-early lunch break/Drive-by post”

  1. I guess this means I should really switch over to Opera, which we talked about before…. but ah, all my saved forms and passwords and bookmarks…..

  2. Have never used Opera, but may download it to check it out (I am using Firefox). Will it import the bookmarks and such from Firefox/IE? But, as Lisa said, there are all my passwords, etc. I went through this when I set up my laptop.

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