*world’s smallest violin plays tiny, inaudible lament*

Every druggie who CHOOSES to shoot up, snort, whatever, this deadly substance is giving aid and comfort to America’s enemy, eh? Yeh, yeh, it’s their lives to choose to suicide, giving their all for the CCP.


Somehow, I have grown to just not GARA what people CHOOSE to stupidly put in their bodies, as long as they do not cause DIRECT harm to others (theft, physical violence, etc.). They want to be druggies? Fine. Fentanyl just speeds the inevitable process and cuts down on much of the serious social cost involved in “supporting” druggies who have chosen their route to death.

Let sanity prevail. Admit that the so-called “War on Drugs” is lost and only serves to support drug cartels and government tyranny. Sooner or later, they’ll be coming after our aspirin, no doubt. #gagamaggot

2nd Amendment Stuff

For those of y’all who are willing to spend several hundred dollars for a good suppressor and pay protection money to the criminal ATF to simply possess it, BUT, for whatever reason, do not want to modify a perfectly good firearm to accept a suppressor, this may be an option for you:

Custom Clamp-On Threaded Adapter

Maybe not so easily used on many pistols, but it looks as though it would be quite easily installed on rifles.

Experimental Petting?

I’ve used “inside the ear pets” with dogs and horses (yeh, depends on the animal to an extent) to great effect—appreciation and calming—but I’ve not had good results with cats. . . *heh*

N.B. It’s more of a massage than petting, and part of a deeper, more massage-like petting/grooming of the critter than just simple stokes like most petting action, so it does take some practice.