It’s outta here….

July 9-15: Sports Cliche Week.

In honor of the occasion, permit me to present a few of my favorites (you know, the ones that make you want to crawl through the screen and gag the announcers with their ugly ties…):

“It’s theirs to lose (or to win).” (Pay no attention to the other team behind the curtain – or over the net – or behind the football…)

“It’s all over but the crying.” (Not according to the clock.)

“It’s not over till it’s over.” (Thanks for the reminder.)

“This is a real train wreck.” (Funny, I didn’t see an engine. Or a caboose…)


“He’s no Arnold Palmer.” (And you’re no rocket scientist…)

“That’s a difficult putt. He might make it – but he might not.” (Which does pretty much cover the possibilities…)

“He’s going to be happy with that one.” (Sure glad you’re hear to clear these things up for us.)

“The best player who’s never won a major.” (Which makes him what – the best loser on the links?)


“It’s decision time.” (Haven’t made any until now?)

“They need a plan, and they need to execute.” (Apparently they’ve been winging it so far.)

“You could drive a truck through that hole.” (But unfortunately not through the gaps in Madden’s neverending commentary.)

“He’s gonna feel that tomorrow.” (Probably accurate, definitely unnecessary.)


“The sweetheart of the games/competition/fans” (Someone pass me the insulin.)

“(S)he’s sacrificed everything for this moment.” (Not everything. Mostly just Oreos.)

Can you think of any I’ve missed? Comments are open…

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