The Brink of War?

I have firmly believed since 9/11/2001 that World War 3 is nearly inevitable. The Islamofascists want this war and will do everything they can to force it upon us.
In a post earlier today, Hugh Hewitt quoted from President Lincoln’s second Inaugural address:

“Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.”

Just as they did 141 years ago Lincoln’s words cut to the very heart of truth. No matter what we do the Islamofascist’s ultimate goal is war.

Today’s events in Israel bring us to another critical moment in history. Israel responded swiftly, but this is just the beginning.

I called Hugh’s show earlier today after he stated Israel should bomb Damascus (one of Hezbollah’s puppet masters) tonight. My gut agrees but the question is and the one I asked Hugh is what then?

Will an air raid on Damascus be the preface for a larger war in the middle east?

How would Syria respond, or their allies and Hezbollah’s patriarch Iran?

Hugh answered they would do nothing. That the Syrians know they would loose a war with Israel. That sounds far too simple to me.

We are continuously told that our hands are tied with Iran and their nuclear ambitions because we are already occupied with Iraq, and Afghanistan and that the Iranian army would be a much tougher fight than Saddam’s Baathists. These concerns come from not only from the usual doves but some active duty and retired generals as well.

If Iran chooes to enter this war, and their president has been nothing but bellicose since his pseudo election, the US will certainly be drawn into it as well. An Israeli attack on Damascus would be seen by Achmadinawhackjob as a perfect moment to walk the walk.

As with all power mad, and delusional tyrants he has far more bravado than brains. Carelessly starting a world war is exactly what his kind are prone to. He would view the death of millions of Iranians as a glorious and noble moment in history, not the horrific and needless waste of life that it will be.

I am not arguing against US involvement. We must certainly support our ally Israel when and if they call for help. My only question is the timing. Do we want this war now?

Are we ready for this war now?

I fear too many Americans are not. A greater war in the middle east would undoubtedly be blamed on George Bush by the world and by many on the left here at home. The naked provocations of Hamas and Hezbollah, and the Iranian theocracy all but forgotten.

There is little doubt the islamofascists will continue to provoke both the United States and Israel until they eventually get the war they are seeking. Regardless we may have to wait for another 9/11 before Americans are united in their resolve to face the threat of islamofascism and crush it once and for all.

War may come tonight or it may be delayed for several months or even years but sooner or later War Will Come.

I hope and pray I am wrong.

***cross posted at The Real Ugly*** comments are encouraged

One Reply to “The Brink of War?”

  1. Rick, it’d be WWIV. The Seventy Years’ War with the Societs we won by outspending them. This war, if war we will wage, is winnable as well, IF we wage it as war.

    I’m no fan of empire, but IF war there must be, doing it intelligently means just that. While our technological advantages are great, the only real advantage we have is economics. If we, just the U.S. alone, were to really declare and wage war, even just limiting it to those who are easily defined as Islamofascist savages and those who give them aid and comfort, we have the resources to win… now. Later? who can tell.

    But it WOULD mean making the Middle East and portions of the Pacific Rim into subject or client states. It WOULD mean wholesale development and building and use of nuclear energy (in the near term, space solar and other technologies in the long term) and exacting tribute from subject and client states in the Near/Middle East (in the form of oil) in the short term.

    Heck, it might even mean nuking Iran and N. Korea (shortly before razing all of our bases in South Korea and handing the parking lots back to the largely ungrateful slobs there).

    It WOULD mean regaining control of essential industries that supply security-sensitive materials.

    A host of things COULD be done right.

    But probably would not be. The best one could hope for would be a Paul Bremmerized ham-fisted screwup, I fear.

    Oh. Well. Something to think on… while pulling more staples (if I could get my hands on the idiots who laid this carpet… )

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