Kindly cross posted over at: thirdworldcounty
“KARACHI, Pak-istan – A suicide bomber blew himself up outside the home of a prominent Sh-iite Mus-lim cleric Friday, killing the cleric and a bodyguard and triggering a riot in this southern Pakistani city…
Suicide blast kills 3 people in Pakistan continues…
…After the attack, hundreds of his youthful followers set fire to a state-owned gas station and damaged a bank branch and some shops..
In addition to the rioters, about 300 youths gathered near Turabi’s house, weeping and chanting slogans against America and Israel, usual targets of anger in the wake of acts of violence in this Is-lamic nation.”
O.K. kids time for Math class.
About 80 percent of Pakistan’s 150 million people are Su-nni; most of the rest are Sh-iite.
So…er….what’s up with the ahem….”youths”, a.k.a. Muzlim terrorists, to those of us in the REAL world…..chanting slogans against America and Israel?
Where exactly is the not-so-fine line that distinguishes Americans from their enemies?…uh perhaps the fact that 80% of the country is Muzlim may be a bit of hint there ?
Here’s another hint to those intellectually challenged.
America was conceived in liberty and has maintained its faith in the principal that all men are created equal.
Got that?
I will leave Liberals out of this discussion as they have utilized our democracy and our hard earned freedoms to subvert the very Constitution and Laws that are the source of them.
Apparently many Muzlim communities across the world believe that Americans and Israelis deserve abductions, mutilation, and beheadings.
Another difference between US and them:
According to our enemies………
Severing heads off of humans seems to be an acceptable form of resistance to American or Israeli perceived “occupation” and thus a valid method of retaliation.
For those seeped in denial..many of the A-rabs and Muzlims living in your own communities who happen to have access to the Internet, or the local mosque, support such blatant anti-Americanism and anti Israelism.
Not to mention the good ole American Muzzzzzzzzlim organizations with tons of money and considerable influence.
Most of whom receive monetary and a great deal of political support from foreign countries that just happen to support what they affectionately call “fundamentalist Izlam.”
For the list of haters see this here post: Who hates America and Israel the most?
Of course all these ahem… “groups” claim only to be working to safeguard the civil rights of American Muzlims. cough cough.
But others have actually checked into their records, and guess what? They were found to be supporting and working for those foreign interests that are hell bent on destroying the United States and Israel.
How some of them even manage to procure American passports is still a mystery to me and no doubt to anyone who hasn’t lost their alleged mind just yet.
So g’head Pakki’s…chant your anti-America and anti-Israel slogans.
Maybe we can put it to some music and have us a new hit single.
Cross posted over at :WomanHonorThyself
wow..who’s the brilliant, witty authoress of this here post?
You’re more than welcome to cross-post at my site anytime…