T-13, 1.4

Continuing in the more curmudgeonly vein of T-13, 1.1 and T-13, 1.2, here is my T-13 list of “13 Things Our Socisty Has Too Much Of.”

In no particular order of ranking:

1. Rap “music”–one example is one too many.

2. Politicians. See comment on #1 above.

3. Mass Media Podpeople. Ditto from #1 and #2 above.

4. Colleges and universities. Too many kids who are better suited to training for a trade are ending up in colleges and universities. Colleges are dumbing down academics to–among other things–maintain their finances and kids are getting cheated all around: those suited to academics are cheated of a quality education (as if 12-13 years of abuse in “public schools” weren’t enough) and those suited to training in trades/skills are cheated of that as well.

5. Academia Nut Fruitcakes. Professors of everything from English to “Education” experimenting on youthful minds and brainwashing them with useless crap.

6. Publicly-funded “art”. What? “Crap on a Crucifix” by Whu Flung Dung wouldn’t get NEA funding and would have to actually compete in the marketplace of ideas if public funding of sewage-posing-as-art were cut? This would somehow be a bad thing?

7. “Reality” TV shows. Even the totally clueless ought to have felt the cluebat whack ’em upside the head on this one when a “reality cartoon show” began to be promo-ed.

8. News, so-called. Really, who needs to be told incessantly that the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Especially since most of the tragedy, crisis and woe is patently manufactured for sheeple fodder? Gimme a break.

9. Cell phones. In churches. In movie theaters. In public toilets. While weaving down the road. C’mon! If cell phone users don’t start exercising lil common sense and common courtesy, they’ll start feeling their phones ringing from where they’ve been shoved… where the sun don’t shine…

10. “Celebrities”–who needs a stupid and subliterate singer, actor or whatever pontificating about [insert damned near anything]? You can easily find more sensible thought in a preschool play yard. Who CARES what someone who’s famous for their looks, sound (I won’t say singing or music there) or ability to parrot the words of someone more literate than themselves thinks? Yeh, right: sheeple.

11. Sheeple. Yeh, the great unwashed. Brainwashed, but of unclean (and unsound) mind. Easily swayed by Academia Nut Fruitcakes, politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople, Celebs, and the guy at the watercooler who’s an even bigger idiot than themselves (if that were possible). Yeh, this society has far, far too many sheeple.

12. Pubschool administrators (and their evil mentors, education professors and remote educrats). Can no one rid us of such subliterate, stupid weasels? *sigh* Hard labor on chain gangs is too good for these parasites.

13. Lawyers. Yeh, there are two or three good lawyers. Perhaps even more (my sample set may be skewed *heh* ;-)). But we have far, far too many lawyers and far, far too many laws, lawsuits and people in prisons* (and people putting people in prisons, and often for the most assinine of reasons, see The Martha Rule, below the fold).

Well, that’s T-13, 1.3. See here for more T-13s. And read more below the fold about my T-13 today.

Continue reading “T-13, 1.4”

Stop the ACLU

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

This week the ACLU held its 2006 membership conference. Over 1,500 moonbats from across the U.S. gathered to listen to the ACLU alarmist exaggerations and lies. The event was televised on CSPAN and there were some interesting moments such as when Justice Scalia slam dunked Nadine Strossen in a debate about the bill of rights.

One of the more humorous highlights of the ACLU’s conference this week was when Bush signed the Military Tribunal Bill into law. The ACLU came up with one of its most clever and cute full page ads to date in which they claimed to be “the most conservative organization in America.” [Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater rolled over in their graves–ed.]

To highlight concerns with the act, the ACLU took out a full page advertisement in today’s Washington Post, calling itself “the most conservative organization in America.” Since its founding, the ACLU has fought to conserve the system of checks and balances and defend the Bill of Rights.

I guess this claim is technically true. They do more work to “conserve” political correctness, protections for terrorists and traitors, and judicial activism than any other organization out there. I guess it all just depends on what one is trying to conserve.

One thing the ACLU is not trying conserve is a Conservative majority in Congress. As a matter of fact they are actively working against this. One of the most honest moments of the ACLU conference was when Caroline Fredrickson came out in reference to a pending NSA surveillance bill and rooted for the Democrats.

The eavesdropping bills’ fate in the short, post-election session that is set to begin next month hinges on whether Republicans lose their leadership in either chamber, ACLU Washington Office Director Caroline Fredrickson said in an interview. “If Democrats take control, they won’t let a bad spying bill get jammed through,” she said.

As if putting out over a dozen political ads opposing particular candidates wasn’t enough to show their partisanship, Caroline just comes out and says it. What happened to the ACLU’s proud claim that they are “wholly non-partisan, neither liberal nor conservative, Republican nor Democrat?” Nevermind that old cliche slogan, the ACLU now claim they are the most Conservative organization. So lets look at some of the things they are trying to conserve this election season.

One thing the ACLU is working to conserve is voter fraud. Conserving the right to vote for illegal immigrants, convicted felons, and dead people goes right along with the ACLU’s agenda to get dhimmicrats elected this election cycle. The ACLU expressed its disappointment when the House passed the Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006,” requiring voters to present a government-issued photo ID in order to vote in federal elections. In Missouri at least 16 St. Louis area Democrats were found guilty of election crimes in the last year and a half and now there is even more fraud going on. When Republican Gov. Matt Blunt signed a law requiring voters to provide I.D. the ACLU represented a group of Democrats to challenge the law. It was successful in striking down a similar law in Georgia and with the help of the 9th Circuit Arizona as well. They also fought voter ID laws in New Mexico, Michigan, and Indiana. Unfortunately for the ACLU they may not be able to pull things off in time over in Indiana.

A federal appeals court judge says the panel is unlikely to rule on an Indiana law requiring people to show government-issued photo ID at the polls before the November seventh election.

The Seventh US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago heard arguments in the case Wednesday.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana is asking a three-judge panel to overturn the state law.

ACLU attorney Ken Falk says there’s no evidence of the vote fraud that the law is aimed at eliminating. He says Indiana’s requirements to obtain identification are too cumbersome.

But Thomas Fisher of the Indiana Attorney General’s office argued that the ACLU and the Indiana Democratic Party failed to find a single person who would not be eligible to vote under the law.

Yes, I guess it is difficult to get dead people to show up at court.

What the ACLU is really seeking to conserve is a 9/10 mindset for America. They hope to conserve privacy rights for terrorists. They want a Democrat controlled Congress and they are not ashamed to admit it. They know this is the only way they can be successful striking down the NSA legislation and other important terror bills and tools that come may come along. They fear legislation currently pending in the Senate to strip them of their taxpayer funded attorney’s fees in Establishment Clause cases, and they know a Democrat controlled Senate is the sure fire way to kill it.

Concerned with illegal immigration? If you think we are not making any progress now, just imagine the slow down with the Democrats in control. The ACLU will be right their lobbying against every effort to secure the border. The ACLU’s agenda is pushed by more than just the courts. Want more conservative judges put on the bench? Let the loony liberals gain power and you can kiss that goodbye as well.

One sure fire way to help the ACLU progress its agenda against America is to stay at home during election time. Discouraged by the polls? Dan Riehl can help you put things back in perspective. Don’t get discouraged and allow the liberals to gain power. Get out and vote.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at Jay@stoptheaclu.com or Gribbit at GribbitR@gmail.com. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.


No, it’s not Gershwin, but…

When I clicked to start a freebie download of Beethoven’s symphonies a symphonic organization was offering, Opera simply asked me if I wanted to proceed [yeh, I edited that. I couldn’t believe I’d misspelled “proceed” when I finally got around to reading this entry… *sigh*]with the Bittorrent download. (Yeh, and yeh again to the software firewall.)

I hadn’t done many bittorrent downloads for a while, cos I disliked most of the bittorrent clients I’d tried, and Opera had removed bittorrent capabilities for a while. Nice lil reminder of the wealth of capabilities included in this lil browser. Included, not “extensions” ya know…

Just sayin’…


(BTW, THIS is Gershwin… as interpreted by the very talented Red Garland)

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

'S Wonderful: The Jazz Giants Play George Gershwin

Anarcho-Tyranny, again

This exchange at Chaos Manor Musings/Current Mail delineates a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny:

“Lynne Stewart got two years for being a transmission belt for her terrorist (convicted) clients.” [J.E.P.]

And Martha Stewart got how much for what she didn’t do?

Obviously it pays to be a left leaning liberal in this world. [Bas]


Also, in the same Chaos Manor mailbag was a tip to Scott Adams’ recent experience with TSA (TSA: *gag* *spit*):

For a fleeting moment I considered reasoning with the TSA guy. Surely he could see that the liquid part of my container was minimal…

…I would have been a beacon of common sense and righteousness, right up until they started beating me with batons.

Coulda happened, but Scott was saved by the ghost of Dilbert whispering in his ear, no doubt…

UPDATE: You HAVE to read one of the comments from the Scott Adams post… In fact, it’s so perfectly illustrative of the fundamental stupidity of the TSA’s institutionalized anarcho-tyranny that I’m going to reproduce it below the fold.

Continue reading “Anarcho-Tyranny, again”

Ya gotta have a goal in life, I guess

I don’t have a second source confirmation *cough* on this, but from a source who shall remain anonymous (but whose initials are HTH), news on the Foley Front:

Asked what he planned to do with his life, now that he’s been forced to resign from Congress, Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) responded:

“My hope is to turn over a new page.”

Well, there’s always hope, I guess…

A big saaaaa-lute to Diane’s Open Trackback Alliance Wednesday post, TMH’s Please Make It Stop Midweek OTP, Blue Star Chronicles’ The Ancient Ruins of Hatra Iraq and TRY’s It’s a Rainforest Out There…Reading List and Midweek OTP

Good Morning!/OP

A change of pace from the last two days’ curmudgeonry:

Well, apart from “Marvin’s” inability to stay on top of pitches, that has to be one of my fav renditions of that song. Nah, it’s not the cutsie addition of birds chirping (although that’s not done half badly). It’s just a fairly convincing performance. I could almost see ole Marvin playing Curly after hearing him sing that. Almost.

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

OP/10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)


A Gift From South of the Border: Tasty Evil Mutant Ratdogs

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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

10 Things I Love About Wetbacks, Moose-limbs and Moonbats (Oh My!)

I’ll start the list off and ask for contributions in comments…

Wetbacks can sometimes have interesting cuisine. Just watch out for the fly larvae in the beans that’ve been soaking in open tubs for days, the salmonella in their pollo and the fecal coliform bacteria in the beef dishes. Better yet, translate their third world cuisine into civilized fare.

Moose-limbs at least have the decency to keep their cloven hooves on rugs then they “pray” to their Devil in a Pink Dress (the Devil in a Blue Dress is reserved for a Clintonista Oval Office gig).

Moonbats are so amusing. Kinda like rabid Chihuahuas in tutus.

And speaking of Chihuahuas. When are we gonna adopt the wetback cultural contribution of using these long-legged rats bred as stewpot animals in a way that honors wetback culture: as the food critter they were bred to be? One-a them lil kick toys would probably make about half a Vietnamese *Chinese, Thai… ) appetizer for one.

More, please. 🙂

Update: From comments, N.B. Goldstein (from Clash of Civilizations chimes in with how he just has to love the new Moose-limbs’ suicide bomber practice ranges…

And Mama Duck points out how very, very advanced Lil Duck is (hint: he does NOT want to look like he’s been dressed by a moonbat. *heh* We all goof sometimes, Mama Duck. Let this be a warning… :-)) See? I toldya a study of moonbattery (and dressing a Lil Duck as a dragon is apparently viewed by Lil Ducks as battery, fer sure) was amusing.


Submitting for contributions at Ferdy’s Funhouse and Diplomacy Emporium and Stretching the Beltline.

Reality-based fantasists/Open Post

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Certain unhinged members of the body politic (OK, they’re politicians; that means most of them), Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, Chicken Littles (often less colorfully known as Climate Alarmists) and other assorted Loonies, Nutcases and Batbrains (Oh! My!) claim to be “reality-based” in their outlooks.

And I am here to assert that their claim is entirely accurate… and completely deceptive, as are nearly all of their hysterical pronouncements.

Continue reading “Reality-based fantasists/Open Post”

The Benefits of Prejudice

Prejudice can be beneficial. Approaching all pans on a stove or dishes in a microwave as though they were hot; all guns as though they were loaded; all Mass Media Podpeople, politicians and Academia Nut Fruitcakes as though they were pathological liars: these and other prejudicial positions can prevent a lot of pain and injury.

Prejudice is simply a way of classifying and understanding the world around us. How the word has come to mean in common parlance what it now seems to is a long and torturous story left as an exercise for the reader. My point is that prejudging individuals who classify themselves (or objects or situations that fall into readily discernible classes) is something we all do as a matter of course. And it’s something we MUST do, or else be stranded on the highway of life, bogged down in the paralysis of analysis from moment to moment in our lives, while the SUV rolls right on over us.

And it will, you know, if we don’t dodge out of the way.

After all, yeh, that particular SUV driver might not be an idiot, but why take chances? Besides, if the first SUV driver to come along isn’t an idiot, the next one is sure to be…

You get the point.

For example, I’ve yet to read an argument for human-caused global warming that was not so laughably full of holes that it only succeeded as an insult to any literate person of average intelligence. Thus, my automatic prejudice against global warmists as liars or idiots or both. So, I’m automatically predisposed to be cynical–not merely skeptical, as was once the case–whenever some loon opens his mouth and utters in Chicken Little screeches, “The Earth is doomed!” If global warmists (climate alarmists, whatever) want to convince me, they have to first overcome that (justifiable) prejudice toward disbelief of a class that is made up of proven liars, fools (or both).

In fact, most of my prejudice of classes of people is based on those two criteria: liars and/or fools populate a particular class; persons who class themselves with those liars and/or fools are autiomatically assigned the characteristic of liars/fools until they overwhelmingly demonstrate otherwise.

That’s certainly prejudicial, but note: it’s based on both observations of the class(es) and on individuals’ self-classification. Show me a politician who is not a liar and a poltroon, and I’ll say one (or both) of two things: Just wait. Maybe not yet… and/or An exception proving (as in “testing” or “proofing”) the rule. (As I noted in a “town hall” metting with a U.S. Senator once: there is a vast chasm separating “political reality” and real reality… )

Show me a Mass Media Podperson who is not a liar/fool and I’ll say, You don’t understand the classification of Mass Media Podpeople. By definition, MMPs all spout the Hivemind ethos. Therefore, there can be no MMPs who are not both liars and fools. Some even manage to be assimilated into the Hivemind to the degree that they become mindless idiots making the “Couric, Couric, Couric” cries of the hopelessly Hiveminded. Those (obviously) become news anchors and Hivemind pundits, as a general rule.

Check out the open posts at The Right Nation, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Stuck on Stupid, Clash of Civilizations, Woman Honor Thyself, and The Uncooperative Blogger.