T-13, 1.4

Continuing in the more curmudgeonly vein of T-13, 1.1 and T-13, 1.2, here is my T-13 list of “13 Things Our Socisty Has Too Much Of.”

In no particular order of ranking:

1. Rap “music”–one example is one too many.

2. Politicians. See comment on #1 above.

3. Mass Media Podpeople. Ditto from #1 and #2 above.

4. Colleges and universities. Too many kids who are better suited to training for a trade are ending up in colleges and universities. Colleges are dumbing down academics to–among other things–maintain their finances and kids are getting cheated all around: those suited to academics are cheated of a quality education (as if 12-13 years of abuse in “public schools” weren’t enough) and those suited to training in trades/skills are cheated of that as well.

5. Academia Nut Fruitcakes. Professors of everything from English to “Education” experimenting on youthful minds and brainwashing them with useless crap.

6. Publicly-funded “art”. What? “Crap on a Crucifix” by Whu Flung Dung wouldn’t get NEA funding and would have to actually compete in the marketplace of ideas if public funding of sewage-posing-as-art were cut? This would somehow be a bad thing?

7. “Reality” TV shows. Even the totally clueless ought to have felt the cluebat whack ’em upside the head on this one when a “reality cartoon show” began to be promo-ed.

8. News, so-called. Really, who needs to be told incessantly that the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Especially since most of the tragedy, crisis and woe is patently manufactured for sheeple fodder? Gimme a break.

9. Cell phones. In churches. In movie theaters. In public toilets. While weaving down the road. C’mon! If cell phone users don’t start exercising lil common sense and common courtesy, they’ll start feeling their phones ringing from where they’ve been shoved… where the sun don’t shine…

10. “Celebrities”–who needs a stupid and subliterate singer, actor or whatever pontificating about [insert damned near anything]? You can easily find more sensible thought in a preschool play yard. Who CARES what someone who’s famous for their looks, sound (I won’t say singing or music there) or ability to parrot the words of someone more literate than themselves thinks? Yeh, right: sheeple.

11. Sheeple. Yeh, the great unwashed. Brainwashed, but of unclean (and unsound) mind. Easily swayed by Academia Nut Fruitcakes, politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople, Celebs, and the guy at the watercooler who’s an even bigger idiot than themselves (if that were possible). Yeh, this society has far, far too many sheeple.

12. Pubschool administrators (and their evil mentors, education professors and remote educrats). Can no one rid us of such subliterate, stupid weasels? *sigh* Hard labor on chain gangs is too good for these parasites.

13. Lawyers. Yeh, there are two or three good lawyers. Perhaps even more (my sample set may be skewed *heh* ;-)). But we have far, far too many lawyers and far, far too many laws, lawsuits and people in prisons* (and people putting people in prisons, and often for the most assinine of reasons, see The Martha Rule, below the fold).

Well, that’s T-13, 1.3. See here for more T-13s. And read more below the fold about my T-13 today.

*Many, if not most, of the people in our prisons ought to be at work making restitution to the folks they’ve harmed–up to seven times the damages they caused–instead of eating societal resources while warehoused. Others–violent offenders, rapists, killers–should simply be dealt with much more effectively: violent offenders beaten regularly while incarcerated, rapists (and pedophiles, etc.) castrated… AND beaten regularly while incarcerated. Killers simply put to death. Publicly (pour encourager les autres, as it were). How could the commie-fag-junkie left object, since they’re pushing for “international standards” and apologizing for Izlamic savages, at the same time? Such punishments would fit well with international standards and offer the unique benefits of restitution to victims, deterrence of violent crime and a restoration of the idea of Justice. And of mercy toward genuine victims.

And from another post, The Martha Rule explained:

“Remember Martha!” is the true battle cry that is heir to “Live Free or Die!” and sums up nicely many of the charges laid at King George’s door by the Declaration of Independence (charges I dare say less than 1% of the electorate have any knowledge of).


“The power of the state ought to be reserved for indictable crimes — at least in a republic. In an Empire the main crime is maiastas, loosely defined as ‘insufficient groveling before the agents of the state.’” J.E.P. (Speaking about Martha Stewart’s indictment and conviction for “lying”—NOT under oath—about not having committed a crime that the feds tacitly admit was not a crime. I say “admit” because they did not indict her or seek to pursue her for the “crime” she said she did not commit. Remember Martha: you too can be charged with any damned thing these “servants” want if you do not sufficiently grovel at their feet whenever and wherever you come into contact with them.)

9 Replies to “T-13, 1.4”

  1. Most excellent list. Kids do not need to go to college so soon. They should work for three years at various jobs, allowing them to mature and perhaps find out what they would really like to do. We should set up job carousels, different types of work every 3 months. In this manner they won’t waste 20 grand a year only to find out they want to change their major two years in.

    I linked to you from my TT 13 Hand Gestures

  2. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  3. Great list! 🙂 I agree with all of them except the colleges and universities. Maybe it’s different in U.S. than in Canada, but I feel that university education in Canada is still of a very high standard, especially in professional programs, such as engineering (my degree). Colleges in Canada *are* where you learn a trade, from the construction trades, to graphic design, to veterinary assistant, and so forth. Jobs that don’t require a degree, but do require specialized training.

    As for reality shows, I don’t watch them, and never have, and our cell phone is for emergencies only.

  4. I’m with you on the layout and job carousel idea, Bernie.

    Caylynn, if colleges and universities were set up to teach trades?plumbing, construction, med lab work, clerical skills, etc.?as well as academic ed, they’d combine what we once had in trade schools and colleges separately. Then, some of the kids who aren’t suited to academics–and never will be–might find an avenue to real work.

    Of course, some colleges and “universities” (yeh, there are some with the name that don’t fill even that bill) that are reintroducing such things, but they are disguising them as academic pursuits.

    It’s an image thing.

    And while trade schools are making something of a comeback, far too many poorly-prepared (and unsuited to academic life) high school grads are heading off to college. When, frankly, some of them who are accepted (and promptly put ion remedial classes–not called that, of course: wouldn’t want the poor dears to get their feelings hurt and take their tuition money down the road) into colleges ought instead to get jobs they’re more suited for, say as cart pushers at Wal-Mart.

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