Oh, Boo-Freakin’-Who: The Hildebeast Bows Out

Well, it’s happened (or has it?). Hillary Clintoon has convinced me to vote for Juan Mexicain. *sigh* Heck, if the presidential “Homecoming Queen” election were to have been between The Hildebest and Juan Mexicain, I’d have been sore pressed to select a candidate to vote for (Bob Barr’s Quixotic candidacy is a waste of time, IMO *profound sigh* I could wish he were the Repugnican’t candidate instead of Juan Mexicain, but no, he has to waste everyone’s time*). On the one hand, there’s the utterly detestable Juan Mexicain who advocates a “Hildebeast-Lite” platform. On the other hand, there’s Satan’s Left Hand in the Senate, The Hildebeast her(?)self.

Of the two, Juan Mexicain would stand the best chance of getting almost his whole hog eaten by the Congress and The Hildebeast would likely have the shortest “honeymoon” on record… and the hardest time getting her “Sink America First!” agenda passed.

But with Barry Husein Obama-Winfrey as president, we’d be subjected to his entire socialist/communist, multi-culti agenda as he played the race card over and over.

And that’s just stupid, because far from being “America’s first black president” he’d in fact be America’s first Arab president. Check his family tree if you doubt me.

Oh, well. Maybe The Hildebeast has a copy of the infamous and elusive (apocryphal?) Michelle Obamamama “kill whitey” DVD hidden away to break during the Dhimmicrappic convention.

Meanwhile, folks it’s time to start ignoring the presidential race. Seriously. The more attention we pay these childish, destructive personalities, the more power we lend them. It’s time to focus our attention on the races for Congress, our state representation, etc. Hamstring whichever of the lousy candidates are elected president, and maybe the republic (what’s left of it at least) will survive one term of whichever yahoo is elected president.

2 Replies to “Oh, Boo-Freakin’-Who: The Hildebeast Bows Out”

  1. BTW, the “Who” faux-typo in the post title is an open invitation to any commenter who wants to play some mockery games. Mockery of “who”-ever is running for Homecoming Queen urm, president this go-around. They’re all kinda scary (hence the “Boo” *heh*)

    Oh. Well. The voices in my head insisted I do it.

    Oh, and the “*” after the Hildebeast’s “Sink America First” agenda? Well, what else?

    *Not a damned thing in the Hildebeast’s agenda would do anything BUT sink America.

  2. Pitiful isn’t it? Now that Hillary is out we have a worse person to deal with – Obama. The DNC has lost it and I pray they lose in November, but Americans are so uneducated and in need of a quick fix G-d knows they may just put that jerk in office.

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