ACORN-Funded Prostitution Zones–Tag One Near You!

*heh* I’d like to have a stencil for this in my hands, some days… no, really.


And on the wall of Obama “Hope” poster artist Shepard Fairey’s studio:


Now, I wonder when The 0!’s White Cafe-au-lait House is gonna be tagged? 😉

(Although, rightly, anyone taggin g The 0!’s White Cafe-au-lait House should change the stencil to read, “Pimping for ACORN since 1995”)

h.t. Linda Coccioletti on Facebook

Just Stop It!

Conversation with Son&Heir. I mentioned the “symbolic links” to Lincoln Obama is attempting to insert into his innauguration (Yeh, yeh, so he traveled a part of the same rail route Lincoln traveled to his innauguration and… and… BSD–big stinking deal), and he injected what more than a few have suggested in the last few weeks that they fear: the fear that Obama may emulate Lincoln in more ways than just the symbolic, throwing the country into a chaotic race riot…

Just stop it folks! Giving voice to those kinds of thoughts gives them more life than they deserve. Concentrate instead on doing whatever you can to preven The Obamassiah emulating and epanding on Mr. Lincoln’s very successful attack on the Constitution. We do NOT need more and more and more of Mr. Lincoln’s preferred (All-)Powerful Central Government!

Condemn Racism: Vote McCain/Palin


I’m growing weary of (read, “getting royally pissed off by”) Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, leftard politicians *spit* and others of their ilk telling me that because I strongly disagree with The Obamassiah’s policy statements, even more strongly dislike his lies and deliberate, slanderous distortions, false accusations of lying against people who simply reveal his record, lack of basic historical-political (apparently no idea of Russia’s role in the Security Council), geographical (“been to 57 states” [with one more in the Continental states to get to] but not “allowed” to go to Alaska or Hawaii–at that time–IOW, thought the U.S. to be comprised of 60 states!) and cultural (“clinging to guns and religion”) knowledge, and contempt for middle America, and more–because of all that, I am a racist.

*throws the bullshit flag*

The Loony Left Moonbat Brigade (weak swisher-sister inheritors of the Red Brigade) wants an unqualified liar, slanderer, communist and apparent racist to be elected on the Affirmative Action/Racial Quota ticket. Now, if that’s not blatant racism, what is? As Paul Jacob said in a recent Common Sense episode (no, I didn’t listen, but I read the transcript*):

…would it not be racist, condescending, unjust, and downright stupid for us voters to treat a black man’s qualifications for the job of president as irrelevant, just to prove we’re not racist?

Indeed it would be racist to do so, and so it is the leftards who accuse non-racist folk like me of being what they themselves are: racists.

Ahhh, play on false guilt to enable expansion of the “feddle gummint’s” plantation. Sneaky, dishonest and sure to play well with the sheeple.


So here’s the only response people who despise racism can make to this sort of racist Affirmative Action/Racial Quota campaign: Vote McCain/Palin.

UPDATE: Another example of racism, bias and The Hivemind in the tank? See Michelle Malkin (h.t. The World According to Carl) for the story. Malkin suggests calling the organizers of the debate (202-872-1020) or emailing Janet H. Brown ( to express your views. Here’s what I emailed:

Dear Ms. Janet H. Brown:

Are you aware of the strong conflict of interest Gwen Ifill has that seriously impairs her appearance of impartiality in tonight’s scheduled Biden-Palin Vice Presidential debate? You are aware, are you not, that she has an hagiographic book about Barack Obama (“The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama”) scheduled for release on January 20, 2009? The publisher’s blurb, including such comments as, “THE BREAKTHROUGH is a remarkable look at contemporary politics and an essential foundation for understanding the future of American democracy,” alone should be enough to cast serious doubt on Ifill’s capacity to be an impartial moderator.

May I respectfully suggest replacing Ifill before the reputation of your organization suffers irreparable harm, and that, in the future, a better job of vetting moderators be done?

(Alternatively, I do like the suggestion of some that Governor Palin open her remarks by congratulating Ms. Ifill on the upcoming release of her book and ask her to tell everyone the full title… Oopsie. :-))

*re: NOT listening to radio talk, etc. Try it. Stop only listening to so-called “news” and commentary on radio and TV. Find the transcripts and read what was said. It’ll be an eye-opener. Absent vocal (and with TV, visual) distractions, content becomes king, and often better understanding of what was said ensues. Heck, when something reads a bit hinky, diagram the sentence(s) out and note the actual relationships of words. Yes, sometimes listening can reveal more, but at the very least read what was said as well. (*heh* Anyone who didn’t twig to Clinton’s manipulation of the truth when he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman. *pause* Miss [yes, that is what he said, and not one single feminista objected to that any more than they did to his sexual predation] Lewinsky,” just wasn’t paying attention. Indeed, every. single. time. he uttered that lie, he placed that very significant pause in exactly the same place. Think about it. So yes, sometimes listening can be helpful. See here, the last 35 or so seconds.)

Trackposted to Blog @, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wolf Pangloss, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

What’s Changed Since 2004?

Let’s let the candidate speak for himself, shall we? (h.t. STACLU)

So, enlighten us, O Great Obamassiah; what’s changed since 2004 to make you qualified to be the president of the United States of America?

Let’s see…

Barack Obama missed 301 of 1282 roll call votes (23%) since Jan 6, 2005. The graph below shows the percent of roll call votes Barack Obama was absent for during the member’s time in Congress.

The absentee rate is in red. The two black dotted lines provide a context for understanding the significance of the absentee rate. The lower dotted line shows the median value for all Members of Congress in that time period. The upper dotted line shows the 90th percentile. A Member who approaches the upper dotted line is in the worst 10 percent of Congress.

OK, he’s managed to reach the top 10% of absentee senators. WTG. Can’t even vote “present” when he’s absent.

Let’s see, what else has The Obamassiah achieved since he admitted he was not qualified to be President?

Has he actually introduced any bills?

Well, no. OK, two dingus bills. *yawn*

OK, how about his “work” on the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs? Yep, “his” committee got a bill out “to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon” (according to The Obamassiah)… except that he’s not even a member of the committee, so, mmm, it could scarcely be called “his committee” now mcould it?(as he called it July 23, 2008)

So, what exactly are the “accomplishments” that now qualify him for the job?

Barack Obama contends that he is more experienced in executive matters than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because he has managed his presidential campaign for the past 18 months.

Say again?

“Well, my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We’ve got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the last couple of years.”

What. A. Maroon.

So, using The Obamassiah’s own criteria (which seem to equate Wasilla Alaska to the entire state–again with the geographically challenged candidate: Wasilla, AK ain’t the 57th state, Mr. Obamassiah), let’s run the numbers, comparing The Obamassiah’s crab apples to apples, shall we?

From his figures for his campaign budget, maybe as much as $432,000,000 per year, being exceptionally generous with his “about three times” $12,000,000/month. (If he can back up his claims to be spending $36,000,000/month to get elected President, then we need to get some questions answered about where that money’s coming from! If not, then we need to seriously doubt his ability to do simple sums.)

Alaska State budget? A little over $6,600,000,000.

Advantage: Palin, by about 16 times as big a budget. Ooo, Ooo, Mr Obamassiah! *mmm* Does that make Palin 16X more qualified than you? (By his own stated criterion, yes, so far.)

OK, The Obamassiah says he supervises/administers an employee base of 2,500 in his campaign.

Surprisingly, this works in The Obamassiah’s favor. Apparently, the State of Alaska has only about 24,000 employees. Still, advantage: Palin, by a margin of only 9.6 times as many employees. So, by this Obamassiah criterion, Palin, who’s been on this executive job longer than The Obamassiah’s been “supervising” his putative 2,500 employees, is only a little less than ten times as qualified as The Obamassiah.

Please, Mr Obamassiah, explain some more why that old saying I coined this week is so wise:

Never stop a man who’s attempting to commit suicide with the jawbone of an ass.

Tuesday Titter

I want this t-shirt! (thanks, hugh)

(Yeh, yeh, I know it’s not accurate and perhaps even slanderous to equate Osama bin Laden’s honest, open, above-board declaration of intent to destroy America with The Obamassiah’s disingenuous, sneaky, underhanded campaign to do the same thing via other means. My apologies to Osama bin Laden.)

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The Obamassiah: The “Great Negotiator”? (MHWA)

Michael Goodwin sums up the Billary-Obamassiah “negotiations” for the Dhimmicrappic Convention:

It reminds me of a Cold War joke about how the Russians view a compromise. They come to the table and announce the rules: What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is negotiable.

How would President Obama respond?

I think we just found out.

Indeed. The Obamassiah’s just the kind of doof I used to like playing poker with. Can’t find his own @$$ with a mirror on a stick. He’s holding a straight flush, and Billary bluffed him down and is posed to clean his clock at the convention with her Clintoon Corps Blitz. All she’d need would be for a couple of skeletons from The Obamassiah’s closet to be dragged into the light of day the week of the convention and the Sooper-Dooper Delegationators would bid him a not-so-fond farewell.

Oopsie. All that Repugnican’t/Juan Mexicain sturm und drang wasted on the wrong candidate. Wheels spin as the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” gins up to trot out (a very justifiable) “Hate Billary” campaign.

My, oh my, wouldn’t that be fun?


More fun would be, as I commented at,

“Does it get any better than this”

Wellllll, let’s see if we can improve on it a bit:

Billary plot to (character) assasinate The Obamassiah revealed…

Obamassiah’s Indonesian citizenship (as Barry Soetoro) comes to light…

Billary Arkansas dirty tricks come back to haunt her…

Obamassiah’s ties to “big bidness” highlighted as convention starts…

A brokered convention leads to the nomination of Joe Lieberman who, after the Repugnican’t convention, Joins the Juan Mexicain ticket as VP candidate of The Uniparty.

The Libertarian Party posts a surprise upset in November.

The world shifts on its axis, poles switch and all sunspot activity ceases ushering in an ice age that kills 50% of all plant life and causes worldwide famine and apocalyptic death counts.

Algore blames it on anthropogenic global warming. Wins another Academy Award with the fraudumentary, “Nanny, Nanny, Boo-Boo: Your Thermometers Are All Wrong; I am Too Right about Anthropogenic Global Warming” for which he is also awarded his second Nobel Prize.

Watch out for poop from flying pigs falling on the ice rink in hell…

Of course, even better (but still in an alternate UNreality), Congress grows some balls and discovers a moral imperative to abide by the Constitution and 90% of our “feddle gummint” created problems disappear overnight (along with almost 90% of “feddle gummint” social programs, impeached “feddle gummint” judges, etc.).

With fantasies like that, now I know somebody slipped me some funny brownies…

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, McCain Blogs, Right Truth, Shadowscope, , Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The Great Seal of Obamaland

Even the New York Slimes can smell the effrontery of Mr. I Sure Hope They Don’t See the Changes Coming! This ego trip by one whose deusions of adequacy are becoming legend would be laughable if he weren’t actually a presidential candidate.

What a Maroon!

Oh, forgot a tip o’ the tam to my Wonder Woman who clued me in on this first.

NOTE: TF Stern has some thoughts on this topic that are worth reading.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The World According to Carl, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog,, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


Via email (thanks, Hugh):

And you’d better hope he leaves you that much change…

While that doesn’t say it all by a long shot, it does say something genuine and important.

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Oh, Boo-Freakin’-Who: The Hildebeast Bows Out

Well, it’s happened (or has it?). Hillary Clintoon has convinced me to vote for Juan Mexicain. *sigh* Heck, if the presidential “Homecoming Queen” election were to have been between The Hildebest and Juan Mexicain, I’d have been sore pressed to select a candidate to vote for (Bob Barr’s Quixotic candidacy is a waste of time, IMO *profound sigh* I could wish he were the Repugnican’t candidate instead of Juan Mexicain, but no, he has to waste everyone’s time*). On the one hand, there’s the utterly detestable Juan Mexicain who advocates a “Hildebeast-Lite” platform. On the other hand, there’s Satan’s Left Hand in the Senate, The Hildebeast her(?)self.

Of the two, Juan Mexicain would stand the best chance of getting almost his whole hog eaten by the Congress and The Hildebeast would likely have the shortest “honeymoon” on record… and the hardest time getting her “Sink America First!” agenda passed.

But with Barry Husein Obama-Winfrey as president, we’d be subjected to his entire socialist/communist, multi-culti agenda as he played the race card over and over.

And that’s just stupid, because far from being “America’s first black president” he’d in fact be America’s first Arab president. Check his family tree if you doubt me.

Oh, well. Maybe The Hildebeast has a copy of the infamous and elusive (apocryphal?) Michelle Obamamama “kill whitey” DVD hidden away to break during the Dhimmicrappic convention.

Meanwhile, folks it’s time to start ignoring the presidential race. Seriously. The more attention we pay these childish, destructive personalities, the more power we lend them. It’s time to focus our attention on the races for Congress, our state representation, etc. Hamstring whichever of the lousy candidates are elected president, and maybe the republic (what’s left of it at least) will survive one term of whichever yahoo is elected president.

Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey and the Oh So Wrong Rev. Wright

(I hated putting that “Rev.” next to the debil Jeremiah Wright’s name, I did… )

Visiting with Hugh Hewitt the other day, Mark Steyn pegged the Obama-Wright issue to the wall:

Jeremiah Wright, to his credit, has more integrity than Barack Obama. He says sure, sure I said God damn America, and sure I talked about the AIDS conspiracy, and sure I went to see Colonel Qaddafi. I’m not ashamed about it. You want me to tell you more about that? I’ll do you another forty minute riff on it. In his own perverse way, he has a kind of integrity. The man who doesn’t is the man who spent twenty years in this man’s company, and now claims to be stunned, stunned that he didn’t know this guy at all.

Oh, Bomama, that’s gonna leave a mark!
