
The Founders knew this well…

“Vox populi, vox Dei” is usually translated as “My God! How did we get into this mess?”–Robert Heinlein

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Well, THAT’S Certainly a Relief

My Wonder Woman needed another car. Not a new car, because we only buy something that fits our “cash in hand that’s not dedicated to anything else” to purchase a car. Period.

Found a nice used car, paid cash for it, she drove it back home–130 miles from the place of purchase–and we’re pleased. Thankful for and Carfax. LOTS of info there.

So, we made our moderate contribution to stimulating the economy today, I’m relieved I have one summer project off my back (though I still have to sell her old car–I’m thinking to salvage *heh*) and it’s well and truly time to move into a more relaxed pace for summer, now.

How’s your summer going?

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ACORN Recruiting Rally

After the Lakers’ 15th NBA championship win, ACORN apparently held a recruiting rally.


(source for photo: LA Times, as is following pic)


Makes ya feel all warm n fuzzy, eh? “Diversity” in action.

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If Bush Had…

Stolen from Jay Navarette.

If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given Tony Blair a set of inexpensive and useless (to Tony Blair’s UK video formatting) DVDs, when Tony Blair had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

If George Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one 20 year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had apologized (in a begging fashion before the leads of dozens of nations) to Europeans for America for our unconscionable attitudes ” would you have approved?

If George W. Bush then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can’t think of anything? Don’t worry. He’s done all this in 10 weeks — so you’ll have three years and nine-and-a-half months to come up with an answer.

You can add to this with— If Bush’s people were responsible for flying Airforce 1 over NYC for a photo op and scaring half of the city; would you have approved?

Not much there to be happy about, is there? But watch, now some Loony Left Moonbat will twist this to say Bush DID do those things… Reality-based fantasy, you know. After all, for eight years the Left ignored the worst things Bush did (like play lapdog to successive Mexican presidents) and then lied about the good things he did.


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Now, I Wouldn’t Go This Far, But…

I saw an anonymous comment at CPSIA – Comments & Observations and felt a twinge of agreement:

“I think we need to update the dat[a] on lethal dosages for lead and other toxins by force feeding them to congress until they all die. We will then have useful data, and end the harmful effect of congress.”

While I wouldn’t go that far, I do feel that Congress might find a collective interview with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether to be enlightening…

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twc Hiatus

This week, I may take most of the week off from blogging. Adding helping some young folks get a house ready to move in is going to take some extra time, and because of the rains (“May showers bring May flowers”? It’s a twist on the old “April showers” thing… :-)), I’m also way behind on yardwork. Those two lil added pleasures (OK, the helping with drywall, etc., is a real pleasure) will mean that most of this week will be a “Write your own twc posts” via linkfests. So, no snark, no politics, no compy posts, no music or YouTube videos, no railing against the coming of the night for Western Civilization. *heh*

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Inspirational Quote for Today

“Missed it by that much.”–Maxwell Smart

Here’s someone who’d be a LOT smarter were he to emulate Maxwell:


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100 Days of Blood and Toil and Sweat and Tears

…just none of it The 0!’s blood and toil and sweat and tears, of course.

List of accomplishments for The 0!’s administration in its first 100 days:

Enslaved our grandchildren with more debt than has been amassed by all previous administrations combined.

Thrown dirt in the faces of American allies, kissed up to sworn enemies of the US and made obeisance to Islamic thugs.

Made great strides in allowing more potential carriers of swine flu into the US.

Nominated more known crooks to his first cabinet than any president in history.

Oh, why bother with any of the rest? This highly intelligent dumbass has already managed to challenge Dhimmi Kahtah’s title as the worst American president in living memory.

So much for hopenchange.

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This Post Left Intentionally Blank

That sort of thing always leaves me scratching my head. “This page left intentionally blank” printed on a page is about as stupid as stupid gets. Since it has “This page left intentionally blank” printed on it, it’s not blank!


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Understanding the Difference between Muslim Terrorists and “Plain Old Muslims”

[Another in a series of “worth reposting” screeds from days of yore ;-)]

Charles Brumbelow, in an email published in Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Maor Mail points to an Opinion Journal (WSJ) snippet listed under, “The Religion That Dare Not Speak Its Name,” that touches on a subject that’s too difficult for “nuanced” thinkers to resolve easily, but which seems pretty darned simple to me:

There is a genuine problem here of choosing language that distinguishes between Muslim terrorists and plain old Muslims. But circumlocutions designed to avoid acknowledging the former’s Islamic nature cannot possibly help clarify matters.

Let me help “clarify matters” a bit.

“Plain old Muslims” claim the Koran (choose your own trendy spelling) is their literal guide to a holy life.

Islamic terrorists claim the Koran (choose your own trendy spelling) is their literal guide to a holy life.

“Plain old Muslims” revere Mohammed and view his life and teachings (of which the Koran, Hadith, etc,) as worthy of emulation in all of life.

Islamic terrorists revere Mohammed and view his life and teachings (of which the Koran, Hadith, etc,) as worthy of emulation in all of life.

Now, THE distinction: Islamic terrorists honestly, forthrightly and openly seek to actually emulate the bloody Butcher of Medina, while “Plain old Muslims” are either just not all that serious about actually following Mohammed or are living lives of lies, decieving the Dar al Harb.

There. Now you know the single most significant difference between “Plain old Muslims” and Islamic terrorists.

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