T-13; 2.X+Y Beguiling Eyes

I haven’t done one of these for a while, but this is a Thursday Thirteen post:

13 Things I Love about My Wonder Woman (not “whys” but “whats”)

1. Stephen Fearing has a beautiful song, “Beguiling Eyes.” Now, I’m not so sure Fearing knows exactly what “beguiling” means (most meanings are fraught with the idea of deceit–not exactly an endearing trait), because he presents “beguiling eyes” as enchanting, endearing, bewitching (in the best sense, Samantha *heh*). In the sense of the Fearing song, my Wonder Woman’s eyes are “beguiling eyes”–a place to get gladly lost.

2. Her infectious laugh never–never–fails to bring a smile to this curmudgeon’s heart, and often even his face. *heh*

3. That smile. It reflects her heart, totally transparent.

4. The first thing I ever noticed about her is still one of her most enchanting traits: her beautiful voice. My own voice is trained far, far beyond any native talent I posess, but hers has a naturally musical quality that surpasses that of all but the greatest voices you may have heard… and in my ear equals them, at least (yes, I recognize and discount my own bias :-)). Some of the best musical moments of my life have been when she’s just sat down at the piano and sung. I sit in another room and just bask in the music.

5. Her steadfastness. I’m not an easy person to live with. (“No! Really?” the masses cry, tongues-in-cheeks. *heh*) I don’t really wonder why she continues to love me, but I do wonder how, sometimes. πŸ˜‰

6. She knows me. Seems like she always has, somehow. This morning, as we were in my car together, when a squirrel wisely sat out a confrontation with me, I noted that the other day, one tried to bluff me off the road and lost. Her only comment? “I’m surprised you didn’t stop and save the skin.” *LOL* Yeh, she knows me, all right. Tightwad that I am, I did consider it… After all, a squirrel skin cap would be just the thing to send to congresscritters or our current crop of presidential candidates.

7. She’s the kindest person I have ever known.

8. She’s strong where it really counts. Physically, she’s a reed in the wind. Morally, ethically, emotionally, spiritually, she’s bedrock.

9. SHe’s smart. But where she’s not smart, she’s usually wise. And it’s in those circumstances that she’s far better than smart.

10. I’ve alluded to this before (#5), but this is slightly different: patience. She’s learned to wait for “it”–whatever “it” may be–when forcing things may be counterproductive. I’m watching and learning, too. From her.

11. She’s interesting. Always learning something new, always challenging herself to be better at her work, better at relating to people, better, period. It’s not some driven-to-suceed wild-eyed and desperate need to be more than she can be, just an ever-present curiosity combined with an inherent sense of responsibility and… niceness. What’s not to like?

12. She warms and lights a room just by being there.

13. Thirty years ago yesterday she took me off two-days’ cliffhanging when she called me up and said, “Yes.” (Well, she coulda come back from Colorado to KCMO to tell me in person, but that was slightly impractical. *heh*)

Thanks, WW.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, Democrat=Socialist, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Linked to the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

4 Replies to “T-13; 2.X+Y Beguiling Eyes”

  1. David,

    I’m so glad, for you, that you have this “Wonder Womam” in your life!

    Kinda think I’ve found *MY* next “wonder woman” (1st one was a TOTAL bust!)

    Next “Wonder Woman” for me lives in BHM. I’m in SC, so . . . . . guess I may have to move back to Alababa! πŸ˜‰

    Since mama died 1.5 weeks ago, I’ve had a few conversations with the “main man” we used for her funeral.

    He told me that (at my age) if I was serious about this “girl/woman” in BHM, I’d better go ahead & ask her now.

    I did: She would not say “yes” . . . but she hasn’t said “no” . . . least not yet. πŸ˜‰

    For them what believe in prayer, please add Sheila (yes, I spelled it correctly) to your prayer list.

  2. When you put to words what you show me daily, you take my breath away. There isn’t a leading man in any romantic movie that could say it better–especially since you write your own script.

    You are my love, my beloved David. (and yes, I know that is a redundancy since your name means beloved. Smile.) I am thankful to be your “wonder woman.”

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