Oh, Boo-Freakin’-Who: The Hildebeast Bows Out

Well, it’s happened (or has it?). Hillary Clintoon has convinced me to vote for Juan Mexicain. *sigh* Heck, if the presidential “Homecoming Queen” election were to have been between The Hildebest and Juan Mexicain, I’d have been sore pressed to select a candidate to vote for (Bob Barr’s Quixotic candidacy is a waste of time, IMO *profound sigh* I could wish he were the Repugnican’t candidate instead of Juan Mexicain, but no, he has to waste everyone’s time*). On the one hand, there’s the utterly detestable Juan Mexicain who advocates a “Hildebeast-Lite” platform. On the other hand, there’s Satan’s Left Hand in the Senate, The Hildebeast her(?)self.

Of the two, Juan Mexicain would stand the best chance of getting almost his whole hog eaten by the Congress and The Hildebeast would likely have the shortest “honeymoon” on record… and the hardest time getting her “Sink America First!” agenda passed.

But with Barry Husein Obama-Winfrey as president, we’d be subjected to his entire socialist/communist, multi-culti agenda as he played the race card over and over.

And that’s just stupid, because far from being “America’s first black president” he’d in fact be America’s first Arab president. Check his family tree if you doubt me.

Oh, well. Maybe The Hildebeast has a copy of the infamous and elusive (apocryphal?) Michelle Obamamama “kill whitey” DVD hidden away to break during the Dhimmicrappic convention.

Meanwhile, folks it’s time to start ignoring the presidential race. Seriously. The more attention we pay these childish, destructive personalities, the more power we lend them. It’s time to focus our attention on the races for Congress, our state representation, etc. Hamstring whichever of the lousy candidates are elected president, and maybe the republic (what’s left of it at least) will survive one term of whichever yahoo is elected president.

Thought for Today

A mini-micro post inspired by a comment today that got me thinking about politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and others, from Neal Boortz’s Top Ten Thoughts for 2008:

“Some people are like a Slinky … not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.”


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Who’s in the JW’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007?

Well, at least Mike and Rudy are safe from stones cast by each other…


Although the Judicial Watch’s Top Ten list of corrupt politicians is weighted heavily on the Democrappic side of the aisle (and how could it not be with such excellent examples of slime as Billary Clintoon, John Con(you)yers, Barrack Hussein Obama (Winfrey), and Feinstein-Pelosi-Reid?), a couple of standouts from the Republican’t crowd are no surprise to those of us who view the pronouncements of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind with scepticism:

#6. Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR): Governor Huckabee enjoyed a meteoric rise in the polls in December 2007, which prompted a more thorough review of his ethics record. According to The Associated Press: “[Huckabee’s] career has also been colored by 14 ethics complaints and a volley of questions about his integrity, ranging from his management of campaign cash to his use of a nonprofit organization to subsidize his income to his destruction of state computer files on his way out of the governor’s office.” And what was Governor Huckabee’s response to these ethics allegations? Rather than cooperating with investigators, Huckabee sued the state ethics commission twice and attempted to shut the ethics process down.


And that’s not even exploring the Governor from Tyson Foods’ record on illegal aliens. (See HERE as well.)

Of course, we mustn’t neglect “Mr. Tough On Crime” Giuliani:

5. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY): Giuliani came under fire in late 2007 after it was discovered the former New York mayor’s office “billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife Judith Nathan in the Hamptons…” ABC News also reported that Giuliani provided Nathan with a police vehicle and a city driver at taxpayer expense. All of this news came on the heels of the federal indictment on corruption charges of Giuliani’s former Police Chief and business partner Bernard Kerik, who pleaded guilty in 2006 to accepting a $165,000 bribe in the form of renovations to his Bronx apartment from a construction company attempting to land city contracts.

These are two guys who are not only monumental liars (each claims conservative values drive their bid for the presidency: that alone should be enough to shoot them down in flames for such bald-faced, arrogant lying to the electorate), they are also monumental hypocrites, each running as “clean” guys when they are no such thing.

Bah. I have NO use for such as these. As landfill or garden mulch, even, they’d just be toxic waste. Better for them to just shuffle off to an afterlife in a garage in Buffalo (with apologies to Timothy Leary, “Really Leary” and George Carlin).

Sad, though, that some folks consider John “I-Never-Met-a-Free-Speech-I-Didn’t-Hate” McCain and Mitt “Android from the planet I’ll-say-anything-to-get-elected” Romney to be viable alternatives to such as these.


I suspect the main reason Thompson’s had a hard time getting traction is that he’s the only one with a consistent record (well, far more consistent than anyone else running, if one throws out consistently crooked as a criterion) who talks sense. I mean, have you actually read the other guys’ “positions”? Piffle. Fluff. Bullshit talking points. Nothing of any real substance.

If anything kills political aspirations in this day of a dumbass sheeple electorate, it’s saying something–anything–of substance.

*profound sigh*

Well, at least Fred’s also got a sense of humor (something McCainac, The Android, The Crook and the Crooked Preacherboy have yet to show any genuine evidence of)…

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.