If you are “tinning” cloth (for work clothes, outdoor fabrics, etc.) use toilet (gasket) rings for the beeswax, ‘cos you KNOW it can stand up to all kindsa shit.
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
If you are “tinning” cloth (for work clothes, outdoor fabrics, etc.) use toilet (gasket) rings for the beeswax, ‘cos you KNOW it can stand up to all kindsa shit.
. . .is that we live in an age exemplified by English professors who cannot speak fluent English (poor grammar, word misusage, etc.) and give forth blank states in response to quotations of The Bard.
Yes, we live in an age of a nearly universal “literacy” filled with actual illiterates, pseudoliterates who could not read their way out of a paper bag. And yet there are those who defend democracy. *sigh*
At best, in the words of Third World County’s corollary to Santayana’s Axion, “In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.” But the norm is even worse: rule by those who have gulled the illiterate and innumerate into granting them power.
There are two main classes of writers that can — broadly — be discerned by this bright line divider:
1. Those who know how to use and appropriately do use m-dashes.
2. Pseudoliterate imposters (whose “work” is usually edited by lobotomized Bonobo Chimpanzees).
Oh, there are many other indicators, but that one will generally do the trick.
There may be those among my (2?) readers who question which class I belong in based on my own use of an m-dash above. If so, nanny-nanny-boo-boo to you. *heh*
BTW, I read the occassional pseudoliterate imposter for the dubious pleasure of making snarky comments in notes, then reposting those notes in a Amazon review. Yeh, it’s kinda mean, but they EARNED it. One such pseudoliterate imposter I read recently described a wedding (it was in an “action hero” sort of seventh grade boys’ fantasy). My impression of the “classy” (so asserted by pseudoliterate imposter) wedding was of a kinda trashy “trailer park” wedding. (And yes, I know some perfectly nice folks also live in trailer parks, but I’m invoking the “TPTrash” meme for shorthand, here.) It was a hoot trashing that, since it had already trashed itself.
Tried to find a contemporary sitcom (“situation COMEDY”) to watch the other night. Was unsuccessful. Nothing comedic on. Maybe it would help if I knocked a few IQ points off with a Hivemind-issued autolobotomy kit (where “a few IQ points” = more than half those available).
*meh* Compared to CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only, Stephen King writes such cute clowns. . .
But I think I have finally figured out CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only’s “look.” It’s a kinda low-rent, white bread “Green Globlin” with a HUGE spash of “granny-with-dementia,” mixed with just ordinary, everyday lying politician sleeze.
But there’s somethiing more, some elusive je ne sais quoi. . . but I can tell ya it stinks worse than Captain Syphilus’s diseased, urm, [family censored ?#heh]?.
Whatever it is, just his “look” is toxic waste.
Since this is a mid-term election year, always remember that in addition to MASSIVE Dhimmicrap cheating one should also always remain aware of the stupidity of people in large groups, especially on election day.
After all, the stupidity of people i large groups is what democracy is all about. . .
“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.” -third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom
An area of grass designed to ruin one’s weekend.
(That’s why I refuse to have a lawn. I have a plain old yard instead. That way, I don’t have to be so picky about how it looks. Just whack down whatever is too tall and let it go with that. Fertilizer? pfui Water? Nah. The browner the better, IMO. Weed killer? DEFINITELY not! Gimme my wild onions and dandelions and more! Oh, my!)
Soooooo tired of this Manga meme. ITRW, people only do this to “giddyup” horses or sub for clickers with click-trained dogs. Or. . . they are imaginary (yeh, that’s about how “real world” they are) Japanese schoolgirls (or schoolboys who would be more comfy in skits) caught up in a Manga meme.
Here’s the solution for those twitches: STOP READING THAT CRAP!
(Note: NOT an affiliate link; NO commission earned; for information only)
Should use this instead of ballistic gel for those long days at the range. . .