In terms of “doneness,” I prefer to remain medium rare. I’d go for rare, but VPNs and Onion routers can only do so much. And besides, anyone with a registered domain is pretty much an open book (paying extra for a hosting service to obscure a registration is silly, given massive government malfeasances, even apart from, potentially/possibly, though unlikely legitimate government subpoenas, warrants etc.), and even domains registered to LLCs and trusts established in states with the best privacy protections currently in place are penetrable, so “medium rare” it is. . .
More Contemporary Fiction Foibles
I tend to “file 13” books I pick up whose central character is openly described as “brilliant” and yet who consistently does execrably stupid things all within its realm of assigned “smartitudinousness” (is there a useful real world term for assumed but non-existent inteligence, or may I just use my snarky neologism?).
“Being of Sound Mind. . . “
Thinking of modding my will, beginning with the portion, “being of sound mind” to “being of sound mind–well, at least as sound as it’s ever been, and I DGARA about those who think it’s always been a bit shaky, especially since I’m beyond their reach, now. . . ”
I’d like to proceed from there with even more snark, but we’ll just have to see how that does, eh?
It’s Still “The Little Things”
N.B., as you may note, I like to ignore the rule about writing short, concise sentences, because if a reader cannot parse clear text unless a sentence is short enough for the attention span of a gnat, I do not much care whether they read on. There are some things I like about getting to be a Curmudgeonly Olde Pharte. *heh*
Oh, I have come to expect them, but “Dunning-Krugerands” who are willfully stuck on stupid abound in all realms of publication, nowadays–self-pub, trad-pub, online and “dead tree” magazines and newspapers, etc.–and I still just cannot get used to seeing words in print grossly misused, mind-boggling displays of subject-object confusion, amphibolous construction that renders a text as meaningless gibberish, baffling syntax, the use (abuse) of punctuation as random text-confetti, and evidence of willful disregard for doing one’s homework to support even a thin veil of suspension of disbelief when writing fiction (some scholarly, peer-reviewed “scientific” papers do a better job of supporting suspension of disbelief for their fiction than do many novels nowadays. . . )
For example, except for the rare equestrian fiction by an actual “horse person,” almost every piece of fiction I’ve read in the last decade or more that features horses and riders–westerns, fantasy, mysteries: all of ’em–have gotten nearly everything horse related wrong. And most of the wrong depictions have one thng in common: they hew very closely to popular, mostly “Hollyweird,” depictions of horses and riders, and they almost always simply treat horses as a low-tech, inconvenient substitute for cars and ‘bikes. (And I have yet to read any contemporary writer of a popular genre who treats horse manure with the respect it deserves. *heh*)
But, of course, that sort of “I already know evrything there is to know anout everything” attitude carries across to every bit of a “Dunning-Krugerand’s” writing (and speech, which is why subliterate morons get paid the big bucks to be TV taking heads).
Sometimes, given the proliferation of media influence, the only way to go through a day w/o killing brain cells by listening to Stupid Speech™ or Stupid Writing™ is to turtle up and avoid reading, talking with (or even just peripherally hearing) others at all.
The hermit lifestyle is looking more and more appealing. . .
Seriously: if someone does not even know the difference betweem “come here” and “sic ’em” (go-come, take-bring, etc.) then that person should 1. Shut up/stop writing and 2. Give their best shot at passing a basic English as a Second Language course (their first language being Advanced Stupidity).
OK, that’s enough of me being positive and uplifting. You’re welcome. 😉
Things I Do Not Understand #3,286,157
3,286,157. Why a company brags in a TV ad about being “cheesy people.” (Urm, did I hear that right? *heh*)
The Endless Poem
Roses are red. . .
Where Are the Clowns? Don’t Bother; They’re Here
You know, until CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only was installed in the White House, I never really understood why some folks found clowns to be scary.
I get it now.
Town Livin’
Third World County™-style.
Yeh, I did see a pig sauntering down the street through a collection of small apartments, and I am now listening to a Spring calf bawl just over the way, in a neighbor’s yard. Amd their rooster makes for a pleasant dawn wakeup call.
Here. In town. Maybe the “city” will let me raise goats to mow my lawn. . .
Unless One Is Constructing a Half-witty Insult. . .
. . . “not a wit” is. . . witless. “Not a whit” = “not a bit; not an iota; not the smallest part,” etc. “Not a wit” simply indicates someone without wit, a dullard, a dummy, a subliterate “Dunning-Krugerand” wannabe self-pub writer. *heh*
I Have Known. . .
A few guys named “Harry” whose names would better have been spelled “Hairy.”
That is all.