A Day Without Learning. . .

. . .is a day wasted.

Kinda late in the day already to be learning something new (to me), but after a few search-fu moves of great artistry, I now know enough about the lost city of Tolente to be, well, not dangerous, exactly, but annoying.

There’s your search prompt. Do with it what you will. Or won’t. 🙂

A Different “Tact”

Yeh, I’m not going to be tactful here. People who make homophonic mistakes in writing are illiterate. I DGARA whether some “edumacationist” somewhere may call them “functionally literate.” “Edumacationists” are a disease and should be erradicated.

Misused words in writing due to homophonic conflation is simply due to poor literacy. Period. Using sounds or letter combinations that aren’t even words, due to mishearing (and never, apparently, READING) words is an even surer sign, if that’s possible. FarceBook is a particularly “rich” source of both of these sorts of homophonic errors. Most recent (as in, just a couple of minutes ago) example: “intack” (not EVEN a word) for “intact.”

Oh, the post title? I cannot (well, will not) even try to count the number of times I have typed (or thought) “gagamaggot” when I read or heard, “. . .taking a different tact” when “tack” expresses the meaning and “tact” does not.


So, with “bad” knee out –again– for the past month or so, and five pretty massive trees we need removed, I’m glad the tree guys were available to take ’em out today. Some remaining effluvia I had yet to reduce (either w/chainsaw mill or burning to make charcoal out of harder wood) is going as well. This will give me a chance to put the north fence back up and make some better lumber, as soon as knee’s back in good enough shape.

“Edumacationism” vs. Education

“Gummint” schools are largely “prisons for kids,” but there can be bright spots. . .

Of all the classes I had in high school, two “classes” have proven to be the most _personably_ valuable, long term, and both for similar reasons. I was lost in my first year of algebra, thanks largely to a disaffection stemming from ghastly experiences with ‘new math.” (Before exposure to that abomination of “edumacationist” experimentation, I kinda enjoyed math.) Thankfully, a sophomore year teacher who just loved math and teaching it resurrected a dead enjoyment of math.

And then there was band. I learned more appreciation of music from simply rehearsing and playing the works we were exposed to than in all my college classes combined. I can still hear many of those pieces “between my ears.”

And the math classes and music worked well together in forming logic chains in my head, and those served me well in appreciating and seeing links in language, history, and many other fields. Of course, the fact that I simply ignored classes when they became boring and substituted voracious reading also helped forge those “chains of reason.”

So, “gummint” schools were not a total waste of time. . . as long as I managed to ignore the boring parts. (Example: teachers who taught “from the book” when I had already read through the textbook before the first week passed. Boring.)


I am not clear on the rules of engagement the Ukrainian resistance is operating under, though I would think that “anything goes” would be appropriate when dealing with an invader. . . (I’d include some soap flakes/shredded Styrofoam in gasoline/diesel-based Molotov Cocktails, were I making some for resistance, but maybe that’s just me. . . )