In terms of “doneness,” I prefer to remain medium rare. I’d go for rare, but VPNs and Onion routers can only do so much. And besides, anyone with a registered domain is pretty much an open book (paying extra for a hosting service to obscure a registration is silly, given massive government malfeasances, even apart from, potentially/possibly, though unlikely legitimate government subpoenas, warrants etc.), and even domains registered to LLCs and trusts established in states with the best privacy protections currently in place are penetrable, so “medium rare” it is. . .
More Contemporary Fiction Foibles
I tend to “file 13” books I pick up whose central character is openly described as “brilliant” and yet who consistently does execrably stupid things all within its realm of assigned “smartitudinousness” (is there a useful real world term for assumed but non-existent inteligence, or may I just use my snarky neologism?).
“Being of Sound Mind. . . “
Thinking of modding my will, beginning with the portion, “being of sound mind” to “being of sound mind–well, at least as sound as it’s ever been, and I DGARA about those who think it’s always been a bit shaky, especially since I’m beyond their reach, now. . . ”
I’d like to proceed from there with even more snark, but we’ll just have to see how that does, eh?