One of the Problems with the Internet. . .

Is that, apparently, something like 90% of the folks who use it have never read a book written by someone who is actually literate, or if they have didn’t understand any of the words, including “a,” “and,” and “the.”

Is that all? Well, no. Both my readers (*heh*) know by now that I can’t leave well enough alone, so. . .

Shining is toooooo haaaard for some folks. He shined his shoes. He shined a light. The light shone.

Drinking is hard, too. Drink, drank, drunk, NOT “I drink, I drank, I have drank.”

He hung a picture, but later he hanged by the neck (until dead, as the expression goes).

None of these–and many, many more–are any problem at all for anyone who even approaches literacy in English. . . which is why so many verbs are conjugated wrong every day on social media, in emails, and in articles written by “professional journalists.”

But that’s OK, because the perpetrators feel competent to “express” themselves in English.

Me and My. . . Messes

So, this is what our kitchen once looked like, more or less (at least the western portion):

I’ve cut off the 3′ portion of counter top that has the marble rolling pin on it (never fear; I have a use for it *heh*) and removed the support elements, so that between the mobile island (the wooden top immediately to the left of the counter top in the pic that I removed) and the remaining countertop, that 3′ of free space provides better flow for the kitchen.

But I’ve not exactly lost the very nearly nine square feet of counter top, not entirely, just made it possible to have that space be more useful, buy adding a 2’x4′ piece of plain faux butcher block (real wood but not real butcher block) that very nearly matches the existing island’s top to that island with a piano hinge and two folding legs, for occasional use.

Oh, and the counter top I cut off? I plan to later attach it to the end of the counter I cut it off of to extend that counter straight, in a modification of the current “coffee shrine,” which is a 1’x2′ extension off that counter, now. I’ll trim that 3’x3′ piece of countertop down to 2’x2′ to attach it, giving me back the net loss of ~ one square foot, plus a bit, just in a different configuration.

THe counters and cabinets in our kitchen were all carpenter-built, and so are not compliant with normal cabinetry standards, so these modifications have unearthed some. . . unique, let’s say, solutions to what was initially planned, since a simple demo was just not in the cards.

You can imagine how that 2’x2′ extension/modification of the “coffee shrine” will look (complete with expanded storage underneath) by glancing at how it looks now:

Plan slowly coming together. I did need to get the demo done before I could complete installing the new flooring in the kitchen, though. Still, I’ve made another huge mess getting as far as I have. *shrugs*

Oh, the dishes displayed above/next to the “coffee shrine” have been replaced (the ones seen above donated) with some plain white Corelle® dishes, the storage underneath the coffee paraphernalia is now full of cookbooks, and the stools have been displaced by some comfy stepstool stools with nice supportive backs, but apart from those things, it’s more or less as you see it in the pic. *heh*

The Difference Between “Uffda” and “Feeda”

Uffda and feeda are two words commonly used by folks of Norwegian extraction, and while they have some similarities in meaning, the differences were graphically illustrated for me in the summer of 1978, when I visited my Wonder Woman’s family in Minnesota for the first time. One afternoon, while there, my Wonder Woman’s sibs took us to see “Grease” at a local movie theater. The movie was OK, but the highlight of the day came as we exited the theater and made our way toward the car. A couple of guys were walking in front of us, and one of them pointed at some gum on the ground and said, “Uffda!” The other guy didn’t see it in time, stepped in it, lifted his foot and looked at the gum on his shoe and disgustedly said, “Feeda!”

So there you have it. If one merely _sees_ something unpleasant, the proper expression is “Uffda!” But if one _steps_ in it. . .

YW. 🙂

Sometimes Prayers Take Time Before Being Answered. . .

As a sign that good can come from fevered libtard minds, one of my favorite hymns was written by a guy who would be right at home in wacko Dhimmicrap/SJW swamps today. Fo gigure. I trust that, now, Harry Emerson Fosdick has the wisdom he penned his hymn asking for, wisdom he lacked in life.

God of Grace and God of Glory

1 God of grace and God of glory,
on thy people pour thy power;
crown thine ancient Church’s story;
bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour,
for the facing of this hour.

2 Lo! the hosts of evil round us
scorn thy Christ, assail his ways!
From the fears that long have bound us
free our hearts to faith and praise:
grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days,
for the living of these days.

3 Cure thy children’s warring madness,
bend our pride to thy control;
shame our wanton, selfish gladness,
rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal.

A Week in Purgatory

Been fighting “the world’s worst cold” for a week, now. Started, as usual, as upper respiratory clogs, sniffles and wildly-flowing drainage, and soon settled into upper lungs.

Coughing lungs up for most of a week, flushing nasal passages multiple times daily, as much fluids as I can manage (was difficult swallowing for a few days there), no temp regulation to speak of (sweating like a horse while shivering, etc.), racing pulse, aches, etc. The works.

Glad I have had my flu and pneumonia shots! *heh*

On the mend. Only flushing nasal passages/sinuses a couple of times a day for the last couple of days, and have managed to sleep w/o coughing myself awake for four hour stretches at a time. MUCH improved! Now, about the mechanicking work I need to get to on Son&Heir’s car. . . (with him, not alone, but still. 🙂 Maybe. . . tomorrow. . . )

Amusing. . . and Possibly Significant?

A snippet of dialog from a book that begins with a female priest of the Church of England giving last rites to a dragon. . . (mind-bending, I know, but I guess ya hadda be there. . . or sumthin’ ):

“An archdeacon vampire with a soul,” I said weakly. “That’s going to be hard to believe.”

“I can believe that.”

“Because lots of people doubt that archdeacons have souls.”



Insightful and on target?

Which Is Worse?

Bed hair or hat hair?

Answer: neither, really, because neither are all that bad and are easily “fixed” by combing, and both are indicative of sound behaviors preceding their formation (bed hair: sleep; hat hair: wearing a hat: both Good Things 🙂 ).

What is bad is bed-hat hair, because it indicates laziness.

A Deeper Blue. . .

Sometimes observing the passing scene can be a bit depressing (but of course, at least some of us have an assurance that of men’s behaviors are not determinative the ends). But, ya know, when I see the things that crybullies and SJWs moan and wail and gnash their teeth on their binkies about, I realize that I care about these same things a big whole heck of a NOT. Such folks are only amusing as one considers their pathologies, and one’s highest self really must respond with concern for their sanity and for their eternal souls, but–confession–it’s hard to stop mocking them and sincerely pray for them.