A Deeper Blue. . .

Sometimes observing the passing scene can be a bit depressing (but of course, at least some of us have an assurance that of men’s behaviors are not determinative the ends). But, ya know, when I see the things that crybullies and SJWs moan and wail and gnash their teeth on their binkies about, I realize that I care about these same things a big whole heck of a NOT. Such folks are only amusing as one considers their pathologies, and one’s highest self really must respond with concern for their sanity and for their eternal souls, but–confession–it’s hard to stop mocking them and sincerely pray for them.

2 Replies to “A Deeper Blue. . .”

  1. Yes, it is, and yet someone prayed for us when we were just as foolish. Or, at least they prayed for me when I was. Our folly may have taken a different form, but sin is still sin.

    1. Amen, Perri, and so we must school ourselves to listen for what the Lord wants, and not just what we deem appropriate, and since we already have the Word to guide us, “listening” to His counsel should be pretty easy (though again I confess it is not always so for me). . . and so, “wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

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