A Week in Purgatory

Been fighting “the world’s worst cold” for a week, now. Started, as usual, as upper respiratory clogs, sniffles and wildly-flowing drainage, and soon settled into upper lungs.

Coughing lungs up for most of a week, flushing nasal passages multiple times daily, as much fluids as I can manage (was difficult swallowing for a few days there), no temp regulation to speak of (sweating like a horse while shivering, etc.), racing pulse, aches, etc. The works.

Glad I have had my flu and pneumonia shots! *heh*

On the mend. Only flushing nasal passages/sinuses a couple of times a day for the last couple of days, and have managed to sleep w/o coughing myself awake for four hour stretches at a time. MUCH improved! Now, about the mechanicking work I need to get to on Son&Heir’s car. . . (with him, not alone, but still. 🙂 Maybe. . . tomorrow. . . )

2 Replies to “A Week in Purgatory”

    1. TY, Perri. I’ll either recover and live, or not. . . and recover. *heh* But, the indications are leaning toward recovery. Up for a bit to clear my lungs again, but I expect to be sleeping again, soon.

      Update: Had enough “spizzerinctum” the day after this to actually open the hood on Son&Heir’s car. Five minutes. Done. And. . . so was I for the day. *heh*

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