Oh, Well…

Since the materials list to re-roof our home come in at roughly half what I had feared (that’s the danger of physically going to the manufacturer’s plant and personally getting a bid for materials *heh*), it looks like the roofing project is on for this summer.

Oh, well. At least I get to buy some cool tools and equipment to make the job go faster/safer. ILIWAPCT, don’t you?

Looks like it’s time to start rounding up the crew… ๐Ÿ˜‰

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together. ๐Ÿ™‚

Eric Holder Needs a Dope Slap* from the Folks Who Run Comic-Con

*It’s IMPORTANT to stamp out vote fraud, Mr. Fraudulent Attorney General, so listen to this Comic-Con advice and let States do their job:

“…avoid awkward moments by having proof that you are the guy whose name is on the badge.”

Get the Department of INjustice OUT of enforcing Vote Fraud and into aiding the enforcement of legitimate polls!