Urm, No, Just No

On the recommendation of someone whose taste in TV and movies has often led me to interesting fare, I cued up “Will You Tolerate This?”–the Season 1, Episode 1 opener for the Brit TV “Robin Hood”, and the answer for me is the post title.

Picture this: a deer placidly grazing while a hunter draws bow maybe 20 yards away but is stopped from loosing when he realizes he’s surrounded by armored men on horseback.

The guy with the bow and the deer both had to have been blind and deaf, and the deer must have also been olfactorily challenged as well.

Nope. I just can’t suspend disbelief that moronically. bye-bye, “Robin Hood”; I don’t even want to try to buy into something that assumes I’m that stupid.

Fun Lil Micro-Mini Project

To make a short story longer…

I have an area of our back yard* I’ve mentally designated for a future backyard* garden. Right now, I’m burning wood trash there, in a small pit I’ve dug–limbs, small trees I’ve removed and even good sized logs from a mimosa tree I’ve long hated.

Oh, the lil micro-mini project? Making charcoal in (very) small batches. I get a good fire going and then when it’s burned down a bit I shovel dirt and ashes over the burning wood until I blanket out even traces of smoke. Next day, I uncover the charcoal that’s been created and put it in a steel container until I’m absolutely sure there are no live coals still left, then into a covered plastic bucket.

Oh, the charcoal? For a very small earth-sheltered forge I plan on putting in the same small pit for use turning some old files and lawnmower blades into knives. (I’ve already annealed the files/lawnmower blades to make them soft enough to work… in earlier woodpile burns. :-))

Waste not, want not.






Note the difference. While I may seem (or even be) pedantic, it’s for good cause. I keep reading things on the web–and even in books that’ve been through the whole nine yards of traditional publishing, including editors, proofreaders and the like–that use “backyard” and “backseat” and other such adjectives as though they were nouns. It chaps my gizzard. The distinction is a useful one and should not be abandoned by the illiterati of contemporary writers simply because they’re too butt lazy to be well-read.

Individual Mandate Picking On Individuals to Tax: UPDATED


This post will be pinned to the top of the blog for a week or so. Newer posts will appear below this one.




It seems to me that “individual mandates” as delineated by Justice Roberts’ majority opinion in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius [pdf file] (the “Obamacare” decision) have long been with us. The “feddle gummint’s” taxation power, exercised through the IRS, has long treated different people differently, taxing some more than others, excluding some from taxation because of behaviors the “feddle gummint” wants to encourage, while taxing those “others” more because they don’t do something the “feddle gummint” wants them to.

It seems to me that the two Very Good Lessons we can draw from this decision are

1. ALL the Dhimmicraps (The Zero and his co-conspirators and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and all the Academia Nut Fruitcakes, et al) who promoted Obamacare deliberately, maliciously and wittingly LIED THPOUGH THEIR TEETH to get the thing passed.
2. Justice Roberts very wisely (Niccolò Machiavelli would’ve handed him a gold star) didn’t leave it at obliquely pointing out what liars the Obamacare supporters are but placed the responsibility for fixing the mess where it belongs when he said of the Court:

It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.


My exegesis? If you abhor this law as much as you should, then get up off your fat lazy asses and WORK to elect representatives who will overturn it, and in the future pay more attention to electing representatives who genuinely have the republic’s interests at heart.

Continue readingIndividual Mandate Picking On Individuals to Tax: UPDATED”

Preparing for TEOTWAWKI

Yeh, the dreaded “TEOTWAWKI“. *meh* It could be as simple an ending as NO MORE COFFEE!!!

While that may seem a simple thing, it’s really much, much worse than a Zombie Apocalypse or Nuclear Winter, either of which can be handily survived with the application of enough COFFEE!! (Well, and beer, but I’m not going there right now.)

So, several BIG freezers paired with an adequate power generation method is a must. Oh, and loads and loads and loads (and LOADS) of coffee beans in vacuum sealed bags (with oxygen absorbers included).

But. Unless one really likes “cowboy coffee” or its equivalent, or has a nice French press, coffee filters will be a Very Good Thing to have on hand. In truckloads. Yeh, yeh, I know all about those metal mesh filters. Fuggetaboutit. Just not good enough. Besides, coffee filters are useful for tons of things, so having as much coffee filter stock as toilet paper stock (oh, wait–you are hoarding toilet paper, aren’t you? Why, after TEOTWAWKI, it’ll be the new “gold standard” in “money”. Think about it) when TEOTWAWKI hits might be a Very Good Idea.

Of course, then one would need a vault of some kind to store these riches against the slavering hoards of coffeeheads who’ve been turned into zombies by caffeine deprivation. And then there’re the alligators in the moat and the guard cheetahs to remember to stock feed for and the pillboxes with computer-run 7.62 mm GAU-17/A gatling guns and the…

Nothing’s too much in protecting one’s coffee supplies.





TEOTWAWKI: The end of the world as we know it

Another Constitutional Amendment, Please?

How about an amendment excluding lawyers from holding positions as Supreme Court Justices or being elected to federal office? And while we’re at it, how about including term limits for EVERY federal office, elected and appointed? Oh, and throw in language carving out an exception to the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment” for any elected or appointed “feddle gummint” official or bureaucrap. Since tarring and feathering have faded from contemporary use and become “unusual” and since the practice may be considered (fairly, I suppose) to be “cruel” we need that exception in order to properly chastise those who desire (and work and scheme and lie, cheat and steal) to be our masters.

Once such an amendment were passed (notice the subjunctive mood? *sigh*), perhaps a few “feddle gummint” goons could be tarred, feathered and given lighted torches to play with on their way out of town… pour encourager les autres, as it were. (Oh, that I would live to see the day!)

I Really Need to Ameliorate My Tinnitus

Sometimes it’s so distracting I mishear background stuff. For example, a TV commercial I heard as,

“Introducing the evil 4G

The sheer noise level of the tinnitus is really that distracting a times.

I don’t watch much TV. This was while sharing some “being there” time while my Wonder Woman was watching one of the (very, very) few TV shows she watches via our cable subscription.

Evo 4G

And Why Would That Be, Exactly?

According to ABC “News” *cough-gag*

Both the Washington Post and CNN report that if the House cites Holder for contempt, it will be the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general is held in contempt of Congress.

Could that be because this is the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general has acted so contemptuously toward Congress? Hmmm? Could be… (Is)

The Hivemind needs to learn to call a spade a spade.

Continue reading “And Why Would That Be, Exactly?”

Here’s Why Anthropogenic Global Warming May Be One of The Zero’s “Shiny Object” Distractors Sometime During the Next Few Months

[Don’tcha just love loooooong blogpost titles? YW. :-)]

We’ve already seen how The Zero and his minions like to hand-wave and point at shiny objects to distract the stupid from his record and even from his contemporary acts. And we’ve already seen how well that works out for him with the non-terminally stupid among the electorate in his ever sinking poll numbers.

So, of course, that’s why at some point he and his minions will try to pointy at something they’ve been polishing up to “prove” that The Romney Android 2.X is hell-bent on murdering Gaia. After all, in a recent online (unscientific, but indicative and in general agreement with more serious) poll The Toronto Sun, a paper in a very libtardic-dominated area, offered an interesting take:

Given that

“The Romney Android 2.X wants to murder Gaia!” is a sure winner with the Loony Left Moonbat Moron Brigade and

A sure *yawn* or even *giggle* with anyone who has more active brain cells than a cracked crock of kimchi and thus a guaranteed LOSER tactic,

It’s almost a certainty that we’ll see this bright shiny object (of worship by members of the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scatre-ism and of derision by anyone else) waved at some point.

Don’t get cocky folks, but do enjoy the farce.

BTW, folks, here’s one of the things The Zero and his minions (which pretty much includes MSNBC, et al) will be waving shiny objects to distract morons’ attention from:

For All Those Who Think We Need to “Save” Public Schools

Fine. Save ’em. Go ahead. Here’s one thing that would help:

Freedom. Freedom from the edicts of remote educrats, politicians and “edumacators” (who generally know bupkis about actually teaching anything worthwhile).

Freedom to fail or excel exercised at the lowest possible level: first the parents, then the classroom, the school, the district. State and federal standards and requirements for the local school should be relegated to a strictly advisory role, with standardized tests used solely as a metric to allow the users of the schools to evaluate their own schools’ performance.

Schools run according to the demands of the patrons (the parents, the community that pays the bills, etc.) would either suck, excel or fall somewhere in between. The parents of schools that suck would KNOW they suck because, well, that’s what the parents wanted. If they want their kids to continue to be abused with poor education, then they can choose to do so. If they want to better their children’s education, then they’ll have the examples of schools that are better to study and emulate, if they wish.

Oh, and Freedom to Choose. Don’t like the poor quality of schooling afforded by the tastes and desires of the parents at “your” schools? You should be free to take your children to the school of your choice. (And that school should be free to bill the district or school your taxes support.)

Sure, this wouldn’t solve all the problems, but just this one small *heh* thing would place both the responsibility and authority in the hands of those to whom it properly belongs: the parents of the children in the schools (and the surrounding community, which both has needs for useful workers and a right to control how their tax dollars are spent).

I can already hear objections from some, “But what about poor communities? Won’t they need resources (tax dollars) from elsewhere in order to afford decent schools?”

No, they won’t. Parents–often single income parents making below average incomes–have been able to offer superior education at home on a shoe string. I know we did for a while. (Yes, my single income at the time wasn’t very much below the national average for a family of four, but it was below that mark, in an average-expense locale. *shrugs* We made it, despite “gummint” harassment and paying for other folks’ kids education as well. *heh*) There have been absolutely NO (that’s a big zero with the rim kicked off) credible studies linking higher education costs with effectiveness. In fact, I suspect that removing remote edicts, and the additional costs they require with only partial funding from the bureaucrappy that issued the edict, would significantly improve the cost issue for most schools, while allowing dramatically improved instruction.

Just ONE of the Things Wrong With “Public Education” (Sadly, Often Better Known as “Prisons for Kids”)

Teachers are often required to attend “workshops” and “seminars” run by “education professionals” to maintain so-called “continuing education” credits necessary for their certifications/licenses. All too typically, such events feature know-nothing (or worse, know wrongly) educrats telling the teachers what they MUST do in their classrooms in order to be in compliance with some governmental regulation. Example: a workshop not long back featuring a remote educrat who said, “I have never taught in the classroom, but here is how you do xxxx.”

A know-nothing dictating to those who already know how to teach… but who often simply aren’t allowed to do so.

Remote educrats and the admins who enforce their edicts: F-n’ idiots.

One of the better things about rural schools is that some are often in quiet rebellion against city folks running their lives, and they’re small enough and sometimes remote enough to get away with a wee bit of foot-dragging on some of the stupider edicts. Just one reason that rural schools in general outperform many urban school systems in useful education. Review the principles of subsidiarity and accountability for reasons why this may work better in rural settings…