"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
If it weren’t for people interfering with evolution, tomorrow could be a Much Better Day with many, many thousands of people who ought to be living in “Assisted Computing Facilities” (“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click FOR you… “) having locked themselves out of Internet access via their own stupidity. But no, the dumbasses HAD to warn ’em… *grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*
*heh* So “Spring Cleaning” got out of hand and has run on into “Summer Cleanup” with bags of clothes and unused furniture making their way to charity and boxes of “stuff” still being sorted with discoveries of tools, electronic equipment, as-yet unread books and scads of other stuff floating to the surface out of storage areas to be sorted into Keep-Give Away-Toss piles. Oh, and meanwhile tons of lil (and some not so little) landscaping/yard jobs that’ve been *cough* “deferred” for some time resulting in more summer sun than I’ve seen for a few years… and bunches of home made charcoal, etc.
But it’s kinda fun to turn up lil gems like this from time-to-time:
Of course, I don’t really use the mouse pad attachment–or some clumsy wired mouse–with the device, but the picture is otherwise a decent representation.
Beats the socks off the other labeling measures we’ve been taking. The thing’s been packed away for more than a decade, unused–never used! (Ordered it just before a major “event” in our lives and just never got around to using it. *shrugs* Casio is still selling the thing and has even updated the software for 64-bit Windows.)
What with all the “lost” tools I now have to integrate with some tools gleaned from a barter deal earlier this summer, the garage cleanup is also looking more and more urgent. *heh*
Need to get all this sorted out before things cool down enough to put on a new roof and paint the siding, though. Now those lil chores should be loads of fun!