Could This Be Part of the Reason…

…that “Choom” Obama-Soetoro seems rather… dim? “57 states (so far)” “Austrian language” “corpse man” and on and on and on: examples of why maybe Cwazy Unka Joe seems to him to be a fitting running mate? Could “Choom” Obama-Soetoro’s obvious dimness be related to his doper habits as an adolescent?

“Cannabis smoking ‘permanently lowers IQ'”

“Researchers found persistent users of the drug [marijuana], who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores as adults.

“They were also significantly more likely to have attention and memory problems in later life, than their peers who abstained.

“Furthermore, those who started as teenagers and used it heavily, but quit as adults, did not regain their full mental powers, found academics at King’s College London and Duke University in the US.”

I’ve had problems for several years–well, since 2007, at least–understanding or believing the assertions of The Zero’s brilliance, because of the observable evidence of his words and deeds. Frankly, apologies in advance to those I’m about to insult, I’ve met smarter parrots. (See? There I go insulting parrots *sigh* When will I ever learn?)

FB Rumors and Scaremongering

Deer season approaches, and here in the Ozarks that’s a VERY BIG DEAL. Saw/heard some FB scaremongering about the Bluetongue Virus (“BTV”) in deer–folks worried about what that might mean and/or warning people about it: safe to hunt, eat venison? What?

*feh* I felt like saying, “See that search bar in your browser? USE IT!!! (Well, actually, my thoughts were a bit more derogatory *heh*)

(Note that I posted the link in the clear to give you fair warning that it’s a pdf file. Don’t use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it, mmmK? Oh, I scanned the file and it’s OK, but not all pdfs are, and AAR is notoriously full of security holes for malicious folks to exploit.)

Check with the CDC and the USDA as well, if you doubt Iowa State University… though the pdf was linked by the USDA. *heh*

The takeaway, for folks who

    a. are willing to trust me to be honest with my sources
    b. have read this far

From the linked pdf:

Can I get bluetongue?
No. Bluetongue is not a significant
threat to human health.

and, from a USDA page,

“Humans do not play a role in the transmission of the bluetongue virus, either as mechanical or biological vectors. The exception to this is via poor management practices such as using contaminated needles or equipment.”

That is, don’t inject infected blood into your own bloodstream, and don’t cut yourself while processing an infected carcass and get its blood in your wound. *duh* Those are just commonsense behaviors, period. Heck, most sources, from the University of Vermont to te Brtish health services to the University of Queensland–resources all over the world–simply say it’s NOT A PROBLEM FOR HUMANS.

Infection via meat products? Notaproblem. HEAT KILLS THE VIRUS, silly scaremongers.Blood-to-blood–and a susceptible host! (which most sources say MUST be ruminants–bovine or ovine: in those families somewhere) seems to be the only possible way it can be transmitted (which is how the animals are infected: midge bites from midges already carrying infected blood from another animal. Those midges are sooooo messy in their food habits… although none of the sources I have read have indicated humans can also be infected by those same midges. *shrugs* I’d still wear an unscented insect repellent).

No Doubt Some Would Call Me a “Racist” for This

I don’t doubt some leftard (or other lying scum) would call me a racist for noticing the process The Zero and his co-conspirators, fellow travelers and devoted worshipers are engaged in, but who gives a rat’s patootie what such lying scum think, anyway? After all, they seem to call anyone who acknowledges reality (as opposed to embracing their “reality-based” fantasies) a racist nowadays. “Haterz” one and all.” *heh*

Given The Zero’s record to date and his plain statements revealing his personal philosophy and intent, it’s manifest that he and his ilk are intent on cannibalizing the US economy to feed the “feddle gummint” beast. In doing so, they’re using all the sharply-honed, advanced tactics of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the Cloward-Pivin Strategy.

But one has to wonder if a cannibal using knives and forks and observing proper table manners is really an improvement over the cannibal in his natural state: nasty, brutish and short.

Continue reading “No Doubt Some Would Call Me a “Racist” for This”

Still Waiting for This to Get a Fair Hearing

So far, the Hivemind has reacted to The FairTax only with disingenuous arguments or by echoing flat-out lies about the proposal. I have yet to see a real argument against it, only arguments against things it does not propose or misrepresentations of what it proposes. Check out the facts by reading the bill, exploring the work that’s been done to design the thing and looking at the rebuttals of all the lies and distortions by special interests who do not want to see fundamental tax reform.

Oh, The Joys of Typos

Not. Recently, I added a plugin to *cough* “optimize” a few things that needed tweaking around here, more or less “automagically”. Thing is, it did require a wee bit of input from me, and, as you know, my typing technique is, again more or less, urm, more or less, less.

In the blog title entry, I left out an “O”. No, not the one that would have been inconsequential and an obvious typo. The other one.

No wonder I have been receiving some weird porn SPAM comments the last few days… *heh*

Oh. Well.

Many thanks to the great guy at Bluehost tech support who ran it down for me. And shame on both my regular visitors for not telling me sooner. *heh*

Don’t Rag on Me for This, But…

My Wonder Woman and I were walking through our local “everything a buck or less (except in that lil section over there—–>>)” store and saw a raft of this stuff–all kinds:

OK, what the heck; it’s just a buck. But… being who I am, I’ll never know how it tastes made according to directions. Added sauteed onion and bell pepper and about 2C of mixed veggies (frozen) to the thing. Was… OK.