Dan Savage Source Material?

Just in case you’ve

a.) been living under a rock or
b.) get your “news” from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind

Here’s the poop:

Dan Savage, self-promoted anti-bullying campaigner and homosexual sex advice columnist (“Savage Love”), lit into a vulgarity (and by some reports profanity) laced diatribe against Christians in what was supposed to be a talk on combating bullying given at a national journalism conference for high school students. when a goodly portion of students elected to leave, the anti-bullying campaigner naturally did the right thing. *gag* He called them “pansy asses” as they walked out, just like any accomplished bully would do.

Well, Jazz Shaw, of Hot Air, has found what appears to be Savage’s source material for lectures about bullying:

It’s about time folks began doing the right thing and called out the anti-gay bullies–you know, those unhappy, neurotic, angry homosexuals like Dan Savage who are NOT “gay” but simply unhappy, neurotic, angry homosexuals–who go around bullying people who simply don’t believe that the something like 3-4% of the population* who claim to be homosexuals should be allowed to bully everyone else.

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