Me: Scairdy Cat

Just finished up some interim fixes on our main electrical service panel. Breathing normally again. *heh* I’m not particularly ashamed to say I’m uncomfortable working around the mains to our home. When I was a very stupid young boy, I managed to shock myself breathless–and even more senseless than I was before contacting 110 volts at 15-20 AMPs–on a few occasions just “messing around” (no, not the proverbial forks in outlets; not even I was that stupid as a child) with still plugged in radios, etc. Now, as a Certified Olde Pharte, I take more precautions than I’m sure are needed, but at least I’ve steered clear of any more 110 Volt (or 120, now) shocks. I especially don’t need the 100 AMP mains coursing through my body.

So… yes, I have replaced main circuit breakers on service panels without having the electric company pull the service temporarily, contrary to ALL advice from EVERYWHERE. *heh* But. I do

  1. Wear a long-sleeved cotton shirt and
  2. Rubber gloves with protective over-gloves (to keep the
    rubber gloves from being damaged, maintaining their protective
    ) and
  3. Stand on a rubber mat with rubber-soled shoes while
  4. Using insulated tools

I also may add additional eye protection beyond just my glasses.

Scairdy cat? Maybe, but I have managed to stay alive… 🙂

Continue reading “Me: Scairdy Cat”

I’ve heard it said…

…that God does not subtract from man’s allotted time those hours spent in fishing. Now, I like to “fish”. Note the reservation. You see, “fishing” for me means putting a bare hook (or no hook) in water and taking a nap. *heh*

Now, that’s some good fishing! (Of course, the only drawback is the looky-loo nosey parker coming by to ask how the fishing is or a game warden who asks for a license. “What license? Why, there’sh not even a hook on that line, ossifer! I’m jusht tryin’ to catch some zzs, here… “ *heh* Gimme a couple more years and I can at least have the joy of telling the game warden to go fish [with a “:-P”] since residents of my State past a certain age don’t need a license.)

Meanwhile, from another source, “…the only thing that bothers me is insomnia during working hours.”

I Have Your Answer Right Here

A commenter at Politico said the following in response to a Santorum ad:

“Seriously, do we honestly believe that the President of the United States is a traitor, a domestic enemy, and doesn’t love our country?”

Well, yes. Yes I do. In fact, calling The Zero “a traitor, a domestic enemy… [who] doesn’t love our country” is tame, IMO. I’d add “Lying S.O.B. piece of usurping trash” to the list.

Here’s the video that has Obamabots and (redundancy alert) Mass MEdia Podpeople in an uproar. Tame by comparison to what Obamaville is aimed to “accomplish”–the utter ruin of the USA.

Note: Obamaville can be averted without actually defeating The Zero in his re-election bid by sensible voting on lower races–Senate, House and even State and local races. A real defeat of the Obamaville scenario would be greatly furthered by a sweep from the top down, though. And the WH does need a powerful dose of political bleach to remove the stench of commie-tainted socialism (as if the extreme degree of socialist stench The Zero emits weren’t bad enough by itself).

Further note: Santorum is still toast, as far as I’m concerned. Even in the face of the Romney communication director’s gaffe (is “communication director” better spelled “commie director”? *heh*), Santorum’s weakly-detracted “Romney=Obama” equation disqualifies him based on its demonstration that he’s really too dumb for words.

Saturday Peripatetica

(Just use your “clicky thing” on the pics below)

Burning need for one of these:

I’d probably want one for each door along with one of these for each door as well (maybe have to make one sort into a sign?)

Meanwhile, where are all my “guard dogs”? They’re supposed to be in the moat around twc central…


The End Cometh

I read. I read a lot (no, not “alot”). When I see words like “backseat” (an adjective) misused in place of “back seat” or “backyard” (also an adjective) misused in place of “back yard” (the noun phrase: “yard” n coupled with “back” adj)–as well as other, similar misuses of one word form for another–in published works that have been through a writer’s hands, an editors hands, a number of proof readers, etc., and still been published in a book that’s sold well, even become a best seller, then I know we are truly becoming a nation of very nearly aliterate subliterates tending toward illiteracy.

And that’s just common misuses of the wrong forms of words. Using inappropriate words (see Inigo Montoya) or stupid grammar is even more common… and worse.

What’s almost amusing is that the most recent example I have read of “backseat” misused in place of “back seat” occurred in a book where a primary character kept correcting others’ grammar and spelling. I almost laughed. Almost.

From the Horse’s Own Mouth: Santorum Jumps the Shark

On Romney or The Zero:

“If you’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch-A-Sketch candidate of the future.”

So, Rick, you think it would be better to have The Zero re-elected than have Romney in the WH? Have you been in the MKULTRA Koolaid again? I’m no fan of Romney, but even a zoned out, blind, deaf and lobotomized meth head can tell that Romney would be better than The Zero. (Of course, the zoned out, blind, deaf and lobotomized meth head would be better than The Zero as president, so that’s not exactly saying a lot, is it?)

Until Someone Decides to “Fix” It…

It has seemed over the years that whenever my ISP decides to “upgrade” service, it has resulted in months and months of degraded service. It’s been relatively stable, though, since 2012 started and much better overall, so I really, really hope someone doesn’t decide it needs “fixing” anytime soon…

(just clicky on the pic-y)

Messy, Messy, Messy

So, Win8 CP fresh install in a VirtualBox VM, with only a Ninite install of Glary Utilities, Opera, Irfanview, Vistart and Win8 updates from M$. And what do I find upon scanning for issues with Glary Utilities?


BTW, I had tried out Vistart, to regain some lost Win7 functionality for the desktop, and it worked pretty well (none of the Registry errors found by Glary Utilities were related to it anyway–only to M$ products), but uninstalled it right after this to try out Start8 from Stardock. Hmmm, a little heavier footprint and doesn’t look or work all that much like the Win7 Start bar/orb GUI but more like a combo of the Win7 desktop GUI and Metro. I think if M$ wanted to get folks to transition to the Metro interface on their desktops, Stardock’s approach would likely win M$ more friends…

Profound Pondering

This post could have been titled “Profound Ponderings” but I decided to rest after pondering the thought below.

“Rest is a wonderful, healing thing, provided you wake up, eventually.”1