Compgeeky ISP Stuff

So, after serial rocky times with my ISP, it’s been fairly solid of late. Checked the download speed on my nominal 12mbps connection using Speedtest recently and was getting 16-18mbps downloads pretty regularly.

Not bad, thought I… and then I ran across Softonic’s Namebench, a DNS test software. DL-ed it, scanned it, installed it and let it run. Looked at its recommendations and selected the top two to replace my primary and secondary DNS on my router (left the tertiary alone).

Here’s the result:

Much faster (almost double) DL speeds and just slightly slower upload “speeds”. Interesting. I’ll test things out this way for a while and see just how solid the new DNS addresses are over time, but this is promising.

Lesbian DNC Advisor Denigrates Stay-at-Home Moms

[See Update]

That’s the reasonable takeaway/pushback to DNC/Obama advisor Hilary Rosen’s slur on Ann Romney:

And yeh, I’m also pointing out that Rosen quite obviously has a skewed view of motherhood from the gitgo. Hey, Hilary! Next time, buy a different vowel! As it is, you don’t have a clue what real women are about. Heck, even I know more from simply having lived with and around real women (my mom, grandmothers and wife) all my life, instead of living with a deviant* “partner”.

Update: Flashback! In 2008, Rosen dismissed criticisms of Sarah Palin for working outside her home with,

“Judgments about people’s personal lives are better left unsaid and unrealized.”

But, of course, condemning a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) experience as rendering opinions on the world at large invalid is OK with Rosen, because she apparently has no ethical standards worth mentioning. Of course. You did see “DNC/Obama advisor” in the opening line of this post, right? So, “no ethical standards worth mentioning” is a “dog bites man” thingy, eh? 😉

*deviant, n, Differing from a norm. Since self-identified homosexuals make up less than 4% of the adult population of the U.S. (that would include male, female and “other” homosexuals *heh*), and female homosexuals may comprise no more than half that number, I’d say 2% makes Rosen and her “partner” deviant, by definition.

Anyone see the faux apology Rosen finally issued yesterday? Following her deliberate slam of SAHMs as “not having worked a day in [their] li[ves]” is was an insult to anyone who viewed it, especially following on the heels of her expanded insults at “Puffington Host” while penning a walkback on her slur on SAHMs designed to gull the terminally stupid and satisfy her fellow travelers. Check this:

Mitt Romney actually said, referring to asking Ann Romney what she’s been hearing on the campaign trail,

“…she reports to me regularly that the issue women care about most is the economy.”

OK, Rosen quoted that and then LIED about what Romney said! LIED:

“…saying he supports women’s economic issue because they are the only issues that matter to [women]”

Note two things: Romney mentions his wife campaigning with him and on her own and reports what she tells him the women she interacts with on the campaign have told her are the most important issues they care about in the campaign, NOT “the only” as Rosen says in her lie. Firstly, he didn’t ask his wife what her “SAHM opinion” was. He asked her what she was encountering on the campaign. So, Rosen’s comment about Ann Romney (that she’d not worked a day in her life) was not only mean and dismissive of the real work that SAHMs do, it was completely, totally and absolutely irrelevant.

Secondly, Rosen then has to further her attack by actually telling a baldfaced lie about what The Romney Android actually said, on her way to (again!) mischaracterizing the whole incident.

Then, yesterday, she says she simply made some poor word choices and apologizes that her poorly chosen words–not the attitude and content of her dismissive comment, just her word choice–offended some people.

That’s no apology. It’s not even an admission of her behavior. Heck, if she were making a plea of guilt as a part of a plea bargain in court and submitted a similar comment, any honest court would refuse her plea.

Such persons as Hilary Rosen are worse than merely disgusting; they are nothing more than toxic waste trying to pass as human beings.