Pure Genius. Not.

I forget where I came across this, but it does speak volumes. Add this to the mom jeans, “57 States,”* “corpse man,” “the Austrian language,” the “girly pitch” and other “coolness” from The Zero: pure stupidity.

It’s sad, really. One always wants to give appropriate credit where it’s due, but with “affirmative discrimination against qualified applicants in favor of favored ‘minorities’ who may OR MAY NOT be qualified” it’s kind of hard, especially when others in his position–*cough* Bush *cough*– have freely shared their academic exploits and foibles but the Imperial Dumbo refuses to. So, just being fair here: it’s pics like this that demonstrate that the actual intellectual prowess of The Zero is consonant with his demonstrated ignorance (“corpse man,” the Austrian language, Maldives for Malvinas, 57 states–number visited at that time, leaving three unvisited, according to the rest of his statement–etc.) that is ignored by a complicit Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, really needs to be discussed. Can we really afford an ignorant, dull Marxist Indonesian who’s nevertheless well-schooled in the Cloward-Pivens, Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky tactics of subversion as anyone to hold the influence and power this klutz does?

*Just to be clear: in context, the “I’ve visited 57 States so far” indicates he thought there to be MORE States in the US. So his “57 States” comment, combined with so very many other comments indicating historical, geographical and cultural illiteracy do make me wonder: just how dumb is Barry Hussein Odumbo-Soetoro (the first Indonesian president of the US, as far as I can tell from whatever documentation’s available)?