
(Not great, but not all that bad either. Imagine it: a president who can sing better than 90% of “manufactured music ‘artists'” plaguing the “music industry” nowadays… just imagine… )


The guy also seems to have a better sense of humor than anyone who’s run since Reagan.

I’ll Hand This to Apple…

The Iron Fist with which Apple Rules Its Software Realm means that stupid things like I ran into on a lil netbook recently are less likely to happen with Macs. Of course, they simply do NOT happen on ‘nix computers anyway, because of the way apps install and uninstall so very cleanly (for the most part, unlike Windows apps), so the Iron Fist of Apple™ is really not all that necessary, but still: minor advantage to Macs.

OK, here’s the deal. About 2.something years ago, I installed Stardock’s freebie subset of Windowblinds on a lil HP netbook as the easiest way for the user to kludge around Win7 Starter’s stupid “No, you may NOT change the desktop background!” restriction. Later, I upgraded that lil netbook to Win7 Pro for the user and the Stardock app was no longer necessary, so I uninstalled it. I thought.

“No, no!” said Stardock, “While we know you want to uninstall the product and you have explicitly stated that you want ALL the product uninstalled, we’ll leave the Stardock service to run on the computer, eating up limited Atom chipset resources. Because we can (and because we just don’t give a damn what YOU want).”

After disabling the Stardock “service” and manually deleting files and references to the product in the Registry, it’s FINALLY gone.

I think. *heh*

I swear, Stardock software is almost as inconsiderate and intrusive as Apple software on a Windows computer. Almost.