Who’s to Blame?

Since the Feds were directly responsible for more than 2/3 of the risky sub-prime mortgages that led to the crash, why, oh why, aren’t the Republican candidates making that argument? From IBD:

Oh, BTW, the other less than a third of risky mortgages? Oh, they were mandated by the Feds, anyway…

OWS: It Fisks Itself

Shooting fish in a barrel, tasking candy from babies: both several orders of magnitude harder than ridiculing OWS, since the OWS crowd does that to itself without even being aware of it. Exhibit #3,476:

She (that is female, isn’t it?) can’t figure this one out on her own? Of course not. Such self-made idiots need to go live in an assisted thinking facility. “Here, dearie, don’t bother with trying to think things through. Let me make all your decisions for you.” After all, it’d just be the next reasonable step from letting the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and Academic Nut Fruitcakes do their all their so-called “thinking” for them.

And, even given the expenses, I think such a move could be a net gain for society as a whole.

Sure, Despair Is a Sin

…but things like this make one wonder if it’s sometimes just being aware of reality. *sigh*

“In one century we went from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to offering remedial English in college.”
— Joseph Sobran

Remedial English, dumb-dumb “math” (counting past fingers and toes?) and “wymyn’s studies”. This is supposedly among the best and brightest we have to offer? Is it any wonder the primary influences in our society today are illiterate, innumerate, self-lobotomized Mass MEdia Podpeople, Hollyweird celebrities and tone-deaf “musicians”?