Tempest in a Teacup

(Yeh, yeh, I know some people use the less harmonious “tempest in a teapot”, and some–looking at you Brits :-)–may even use “storm in a teacup”, but just live with it.)

Saw this on FB. It’s wrong, of course. There is no debate, only silly, lazy, unthinking people advocating “A”.


For more, see here. Never accuse me of not tackling the serious issues of the day. If I were Emperor, I could *cough* wipe ’em all out in one session on the throne. Well, almost all of them. Dealing with self-lobotomized sheeple who find being spectators of a sport they cannot even play more important than serious economic and social issues which may impact, for example, whether or not there’s even electricity to power their big screen LED LCD TVs is a thornier problem than, say, world peace.

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