
Yep.That’s the name of this notarecipe: Notahotpocket. It’s not a grilled cheese “sandwish” either, since it’s not grilled in any way, but when I’m rushed for time, it does OK.


Paper towel

Pop a coupla pieces of bread in the toaster.
Slice some cheese (or unwrap a piece of pre-sliced, if that’s the way you roll).
Place toast, buttered if you wish, on paper towel
Place cheese between pieces of toast
Microwave for ~20-30 seconds, more or less depending on your microwave.

Quick, no clean-up. If you have the time and want to clean-up something, pan poach an egg beforehand. Add some precooked bacon (please, the less cooking the better when this shortcut “sandwish” is necessary) and you have a quick breakfast “sandwish”. But better to skip cooking the egg and just slap on some precooked bacon (again: saves cleaning time). It’ll warm up nicely in the microwave oven while the cheese is melting.

Other variations are easy, of course. Cleaning a knife’s not all that time-consuming, so slicing some onion and peppers while the bread is toasting wouldn’t really cost any time. A hair more time in the microwave, maybe.

There: Notahotpocket.