Missing the Point

I received an email today that contained the following:

If course the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind can see the differences. The point is that the Hivemind hates normal, everyday folks who pay their own way in life and assemble in an orderly fashion to petition their government for a redress of legitimate grievances while showing respect for their country. (It’s that last part that particularly gripes the Hivemind.) The Hivemind despises honest, decent, hardworking, productive citizens.

OTOH, the dirty, disrespectful, “I just came to this ‘protest’ to skip school, score some dope and sex and hack off my parents” Wall Street Occupation dumbasses? The Hivemind’s cuppa tea, folks.

THAT is the point of the Hivemind’s propaganda concerning these two very groups of people.

BTW, how many of these “protesters” in these “spontaneous uprisings” are getting paid for the gig (instead of taking time off and sacrificing income as most of the TEA Party folks did)?

It’d be interesting to know more about just who is funding these things. If we had actual journalists in the Hivemind we might find things like this out, eh?