Corrupt Their Little Brains Early… and Often

Dumbass illiterate parents do as much as or more than our schools to destroy young minds. Here’s a “burp cloth” embroidered by someone with the obvious aim of corrupting a baby’s brain with early exposure to illiterate dumbassery:

Oh, and notice the typo on the Etsy sale page exacerbating the dumbassery. *sigh* It’s too late to pound the maker’s head on a desk until unconsciousness and brain damage results in an increase in intelligence.


But something of a PITA to do…

The light over the kitchen sink: we’ve been meaning to “get around to it” for, well, since forever (OK, only sixteen years now *heh*). It was a piece of contractor’s junk fixture complete with a pull chain. *yech* Worst single example of electrical junk wiring in the house.

Plain old inertia just kept me out of it. Well, that and KNOWING it was going to be wired stupidly, and with the wiring concealed behind a 1’x1′ chase at the top of the kitchen (IOW, just completely wasted space), it wasn’t going to be a fun reno. Oh, and where was I going to put the switch and how did I want to wire it and… yeh, I let laziness get in the way, too.

But a couple of weeks ago, we found a fixture at Lowe’s that my Wonder Woman seemed to like:

Continue reading “Mini-Reno-Project”


Obumascare Waivers are now “old news” (which the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind has largely ignored, and so guaranteed that thinking people everywhere arekeeping them in mind… and marking their score cards accordingly). The new thing? Waivers for NCLB (“No Child Left Behind” known disaffectionately by anyone with more than two active brain cells as “No Child Gets Ahead”). A commenter at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor blog offered this comment, in part:

One can hope that this will allow some worse-off schools to adopt plans more suited to the students they have. One suspects it’ll far more often let the local bureaucrats return to not caring whether they’re compounding the problem with bad teaching, as long as they perform the proper rituals for Washington.

Which of course spurred me to wonder just what rituals would satisfy some “feddle gummint bureaucrap” as to qualifications for a waiver. This sort of thing, perhaps?


Or, perhaps, Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind hype… though from what I’ve seen of citified wusses, it just might not be. WHat am I talking about? This.

Bat Terrorizes Passengers on Airplane

A bat got loose on an Atlanta-bound flight, forcing horrified passengers to duck for cover…

*feh* Now, I’ve not seen many bats, apart from some swooping around vacuuming up pests in the early evening or bat flghts from or into caves, but a bat loose on a plane “Terroriz[ing] Passengers”?

I can recall sitting in church with my wife and her folks in a southern Minnesota city 30-something years ago when a bat made its appearance, causing a (very) minor distraction from the worship service (folks near it–particularly children–seemed amused or entertained by its appearance). A middle-aged lady a couple of rows in front of us removed her Sunday hat and simply scooped it, trapping it very neatly. She then simply walked to the back of the sanctuary and I heard the doors open and close a couple of times. She came back and sat down.

I assumed she’d cleaned her hat, since she was once again wearing it.

Big. Deal.

Now, if it had been a wolf… “Good puppy!”


Rabbit trail: Oh, yeh. Met a wolf last summer–or so I was told. I thought it was just a very big, rangy Huskie or some such, and enjoyed petting and playing with it a bit while I was trying to make contact with the folks who lived on the property. Talked to a neighbor shortly thereafter and he asked me how I’d gotten by the wolf to get to his neighbor’s door. Apparently it has a ferocious reputation in the neighborhood and is the focus of lots of complaints, according to the guy I talked to. Could have been exaggeration, though. Still, I talked to the owner later at his place of employment (a local cop shop), and the wolf part (and difficulty most folks have getting to his front door) part were confirmed by him. He was kinda miffed at my reports of how friendly his “dog” was. *heh*

More Stupidity

It’s endemic in the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind. Just one more example:

A promo excerpt for a “hot” summer show (which I am very, very eager to… miss), included this stupidity,

“You may be infected with radiation poisoning… “

Further comment is unnecessary.

Uniting Left and Right? Not Quite, But Better Than Nothing

As more and more leftards desert the sinking ship of H0pe-n-Change, perhaps The Zero really is accidentally, unintentionally (minimally, reluctantly) uniting the electorate… at least as more and more leftards realize what many who have more active brain cells than a broken crock of 10-year-old spoiled* kimchi have known from the beginning: that The Zero has been a suit empty of anything but ambition for his whole life. As one Prime Leftard from the NYT put it just yesterday (08/07/2011),

Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago other than an autobiography; and that, before joining the United States Senate, he had voted “present” (instead of “yea” or “nay”) 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues.–“What Happened to Obama’s Passion?”

Well, duh. Dumbass. “[B]ewitched by his eloquence” is just the first clue that Drew Westen, the author quoted above, has been spending too much time stirring his frontal lobe with a fork. If the idiot and his ilk couldn’t look past teleprompter readings that would have been embarrassing to an illiterate, redneck country preacher boy to see that The Zero’s qualifications for the job he was seeking just did not exist, and are seeing it only now, more than two-and-a-half years into a presidency that makes Dhimmi Kahtah look like a combination of George Washington, Solomon and Winston Churchill, then Drew Westen and his ilk are worse idiots than I thought when they originally drooled and felt shivers up their legs at the thought of The Zero as president.

But at least The Zero is so very, very, VERY bad at his job that even these submoronic idiots are awakening to what they and their fellow idiots have wrought.

*BTW, I’m still trying to figure out how one can tell that kimchi is spoiled. I think the best thing to do is avoid it all, since separating out spoiled batches would seem to be impossible… And in that, politicians *gag-spew* remind me of kimchi.

Nood Gews!

Today, while the weatherman seems to have once again missed the forecast high by nine degrees (about average, it seems) the forecast high is just about backasswards to the recorded high, in the direction of having been forecast too high this time, instead of the other way around.

No, it’s not a sign of an impending ice age. It’s just weather.