Now, Here’s a People With the Right Idea

Iceland’s On-going Revolution

(Go ahead and read. I’ll still be here when you get back… )

Of course, participatory government depends upon a literate and well-informed populace, something Iceland has and the U.S. no longer does.

But were such a thing to take place here–a literate and well-informed electorate to effect a peaceful, constitutional revolution, I’d like to see one thing especially come from it.
I’d like to see a change to the eighth amendment excluding both elected federal officials and “feddle gummint bureaucraps” from protections against “cruel and unusual punishment” so those convicted of abusing their offices/positions could be tarred, feathered and used as “parade torches” on July 4th every year.

Of course, it would take following the amendment process fully, so that such proper and due punishments could be effected legally… 🙂