
Obumascare Waivers are now “old news” (which the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind has largely ignored, and so guaranteed that thinking people everywhere arekeeping them in mind… and marking their score cards accordingly). The new thing? Waivers for NCLB (“No Child Left Behind” known disaffectionately by anyone with more than two active brain cells as “No Child Gets Ahead”). A commenter at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor blog offered this comment, in part:

One can hope that this will allow some worse-off schools to adopt plans more suited to the students they have. One suspects it’ll far more often let the local bureaucrats return to not caring whether they’re compounding the problem with bad teaching, as long as they perform the proper rituals for Washington.

Which of course spurred me to wonder just what rituals would satisfy some “feddle gummint bureaucrap” as to qualifications for a waiver. This sort of thing, perhaps?