I Love It When a Plan Comes Together…

I’ve been in an email/phone dialog with someone who wants to make over an older P-4 computer as a Media Center PC. He wants to use Plex running in a Linux environment.

Well, I may be close to doing just that for him. In fact, it may even be easier using the distro I would prefer to use than using the distro he has suggested and the procedure he found. Using Ubuntu, as the Pex site suggests, requires editing a system file. OK, that’s actually quite easy to do, and in fact can be done entirely from within the package manager itself, but still, using Linux Mint 11 (which is Ubuntu-based) is easier still, since the code line suggested by the Plex site fails and the package manager in Mint already has the source for Plex listed… Just one or two steps easier, not a biggie, really.

But… what I’d really like to do is take the Puppy Linux 5.2.8 distro I have installed to run off a USB flash drive and install Plex to it. Looks like it’ll have to be compiled from a Slackware versions, though, since Puppy just doesn’t seem to want to use the Ubuntu/Minty sources. *sigh* A couple more steps. I may just be too lazy for that. *heh* But… the OS and media server both running off a flash drive? That would be cool.