Counting One’s Blessings

A lesson in counting one’s blessings from someone not quite as bad off as Job. From a fictional account of soldiers in field training by LTC (ret) Tom Kratman:

“How’s it going, sir?”

“My ticks are well fed and fattening up nicely, thank you. The chiggers are dug in to standard, with overhead cover. My ringworm garden overfloweth. My athlete’s foot is coming along, though I think I need to wrap my feet in plastic bags for a while to get a really world class case. And then there’s some kind of rot on my crotch that I can’t quite identify but which definitely shows promise, character development-wise… ”

*heh* Not exactly Job territory, but more than any of these asshats had to complain about.

So, count your blessings, folks. And remember, every silver lining has a cloud. 🙂