The Zero Pwnd by Gadhafi?

The Zero pwnd by Gadhafi? *heh* Maybe… Libyan rebels “seized” most of Tripoli and then… “Run away! Run away!” while Gadhafi’s son takes journos on a tour of “captured” areas…

Rebels appear to have voluntarily pulled back from much of the territory they took almost as soon as they took it. The invading forces appeared to only control a slice of land leading from the western edge to near the city center…

“[V]oluntarily pulled back” sounds more like they were frightened off by a “mean rodent”. These guys would make more credible “rebels”:

The First Refuge of Scoundrels…

…is outright, blatant, baldfaced lies.

Rep. Frederica Wilson and her co-conspirators in the Black Caucus hector the TEA Party movement for wanting to reinstitute slavery, making clear that to her, ” …the real enemy is the [sic] Tea Party.”*

And you know, in part she is right. HER real enemies ARE those who desire justice, fiscal responsibility and a respect for the rule of law, in other words, TEA Party folks. Lying about what TEA Party principles are is simply standard operating procedure for this class of scum.

At that same meeting, for example, one of Wilson’s co-conspirators, Jesse Jackson (non “reverend” he), claimed that TEA Party folks are members of the same class of people that once, in his words, comprised a “Fort Sumter Tea Party that sought to maintain states’ rights and slavery.”

That’s right folks. This class of slanderers claims that people whose entire stated aims (and behaviors) have been focused on calling the “feddle gummint” to account for fiscal irresponsibility, a disrespect for the rule of law and for institutionalized injustices just want to return black folk to the plantation as slaves.

And, for some of them in their deluded fantasies, this may be an honest–though psychotic–view. Others, like Wilson, Jackson and Waters, simply and correctly see justice, the rule of law and fiscal responsibility as serious threats to their exercise of power and influence, and so any calls for real justice, genuine fiscal responsibility and serious adherence to the rule of law are enemy action. Continue reading “The First Refuge of Scoundrels…”