RPG for the Idle Rich

Make that, “RPG for the Dhimmicraps, Mass MEdia Podpeople and ‘The Political Elite'”.

(Note the copyright. I excerpted one pane for my purposes of 1. sticking something sharply pointed into the “debt ceiling” talk and 2. “Fair Use” of a small portion of a strip to point to the larger opus, hoping some others might get sucked into the world of the Foglios, which includes not just the strip referenced here but also Girl Genius.)

New Year’s Resolution

My New Year’s resolutions are simple: respond to any idiot who asserts to me that Islam is a “religion of peace” with, “Are you naturally stupid or do you have to work at it?” Apologists for the hate cult that is Islam seem to reason much like Othar Tryggvassen,

“Remember – just because someone is shooting at you, it doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Some habits are just hard to break.”

Yeh, like a 1,400-year-old “habit” of of emulating Mohamed’s mass murder, torture, rape, and pillaging of anyone deemed to be an “unbeliever” in the hate cult that is Islam.

Next up? A resolution to respond much in the same vein to any idiot who believes the “feddle gummint” can solve any problem by any means other than getting out of the way.