Easy-Peasy One-Pan Supper

I like (some) quiche, but I do NOT like a process that uses more cooking utensils than necessary, so I don’t sauté onion in one pan and then bake the quiche in a baking dish, oh no! Not me!

So, tonight…

1/2 pound “hot” pork sausage, crumbled and fried
2 small yellow scourge onions, chopped and fried up with the sausage
About one-two medium potatoes’ worth of shredded potatoes for hash browns (I used some reconstituted from dried)–for the crust
About a cup of frozen green peas
2 cups of shredded cheese–I used the jack/cheddar mix I had on hand
8 eggs, whisked together with about 1/4 cup of half n half

After browning the sausage and sautéing the onions together, they were removed to a bowl. The shredded potatoes were pressed into the sides of the 10″ skillet the sausage/onion mix had cooked in, sausage and onion, peas and then cheese added in that order. Pour in egg mixture egg mixture.

Oven at 350F for about 45-50 minutes. Let it cool a tad, cut and eat. Yum.

Classicism Redux

A post by Layla spurred a recollection of something I wrote (for the nth time *heh*) back in 2006:

One of the primary reasons I am a fan of Classical (and even much classical *heh*) music is not just because the music is complex, beautiful and compelling but because it is the expression of a particular ethos which our society sorely lacks.

Aside from technical matters of form, the Principles of Classicism as found in Classical Music were

  • balance
  • clarity
  • accessibility
  • expressiveness
  • edification

Although two of these principles are still found in abundance in contemporary music (though not in contemporary “serious” or “academic” music, IMO) it is the lack of the others, especially the last, that has seriously harmful effects upon our society.

Keep in mind that the Principles of Classicism can be found in Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler” as easily as in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. It’s not the genre but the genuine artistry and teleos that makes the difference.

When the only principles of an “artist’s” presentation (I won’t call the presentation Layla displayed music or even the “artist” an artist, without the denigrating quotation marks) are expressiveness and accessibility and the presentation itself lacks any real art, all it usually has going for it is just groping for the groin. It’s not even as useful as fecal matter, as fecal matter can at least be useful in compost.