What a [deleted] Idiot!

Sure, The Zero apparently thought during the 2008 campaign that the US had 58-60 states (his remark about having visited 57 states was in the context of having “one more to go” excluding Hawaii and Alaska) and Cwazy Uncle Joe Biden doesn’t know that the Constitution designates the vice president as the one to preside (as president, no less) over the Senate, but here’s a guy who’s been a US Senator for 12 years and has no clue about the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution. See about the 1:08 mark:

“We have three branches of government. We have a House; we have a Senate; we have a President… ”

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

3 Replies to “What a [deleted] Idiot!”

  1. Didn’t this “Senator” swear an oath to uphold the Constitution?
    And he must have done so without reading it. Hm… no time to read a rather simple four page document. No wonder these clowns pass legislation running into the thousands of pages without reading it.

    1. And what’s even better is when these idiots write these multi-thousand page bills with plainly unconstitutional provisions… and stupidly forget to include a severability clause.

      I love it when dumbasses hang themselves.

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