Oh, Well…

Just read a novella by a “popcorn fiction” author I enjoy, and it was good (well, good enough to entertain while I sat in front of the TV with my Wonder Woman *heh*) but…


One thing bugged the heck out of me. Just one. Now, this author is more literate and a much better writer overall than some doof like Dan Brown and rarely makes a mistake like the one that gave me groans. Referring to a character blowing a shofar, the author wrote,

“Damn good thing she had a great embrasure… “

Oh, no. Did not write that!



  1. an opening (for a door, window, etc.), esp. one with the sides slanted so that it is wider on the inside than on the outside
  2. an opening (in a wall or parapet) with the sides slanting outward to increase the angle of fire of a gun1

What the author intended to write, I’m sure, was embouchure.

em·bou·chure noun… the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument2

The really sad thing is that no one at the publisher caught it.