Right In Their Faces

OK, so it was a notebook in a bright, outdoor setting, but really: people just don’t pay attention.

OTOH, KDED 4.X is a really slick GUI. I think I’ll ad a Mac-like Dock to a KDE skin and see if people like “the new Mac OSXI” better than OSX. *heh* (Or, just to be really mean, add a “MacDock” app to an old XP computer–yeh, it’s an easy thing to do–and see what they think.) Sure, I’d have to cripple whatever mouse was connected (or use a crippled-from-the-factory Mac Mouse ;-)) to make it seem more realistic, but that’s do-able. *heh*

More Hot Air from Algore?

Has Algore come on board yet with those idiots blaming the Icelandic eruption on Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change Whatever? If not, maybe it’s just because he’s blowing too much hot air of his own to pay attention to this latest “proof” of his epic myth.