Send These to Congress

Do you think if we sent a raft of these to Congress we could keep the “idjit congresscritters” busy enough to get ’em out of our hair for a while?

It’s worth a shot…

Note plans and instructions here showing how you too can make The World’s Most Useless Machine.


Things like the “Seventh Generation” ad I just saw (while watching HGTV) just make me want to puke. The ad promoted “Seventh Generation” chemical cleaners as not being “chemicals”. Assinine. Of course their products are chemicals. For example, according to the company’s own (required by law) Material Safety Data Sheet on its Chlorine Free Bleach, it contains “Cosmetic Grade (whatever that is) Peroxide” and as anyone not “educated” in public schools in the past quarter of a century knows, peroxide is a chemical. And a poisonous chemical that is a dangerous eye irritant as well. (Do note: some miseducated in public schools correct some of public school’s–A.K.A., “prisons for kids”–flaws with autodidacticism and so know that companies like “Seventh Generation” are bloviating, putrescent liars.)

Ditto for the rest of the “Seventh Generation” so-called “non-chemical” chemicals.

Companies like this depend on an enstupiated, illiterate public to survive. I say, kill such companies off, if for nothing else their dishonesty and concerted efforts to further lobotomize an enstupiated population of sheeple.