More Hot Air from Algore?

Has Algore come on board yet with those idiots blaming the Icelandic eruption on Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change Whatever? If not, maybe it’s just because he’s blowing too much hot air of his own to pay attention to this latest “proof” of his epic myth.

4 Replies to “More Hot Air from Algore?”

  1. Clearly this is the result of human endeavors. Here’s why:
    In the 1950s, NASA and the CIA sent burrowing robots into the earth’s core, from a secret site in Nevada that they “claimed” was a research lab for a crash-landed UFO. The discs people really saw were earth-boring craft created by the CIA to dislodge Russia (and the rest of central Asia belonging to the former, then current, USSR) from its tectonic anchors, setting the Russian landmass afloat. Changes to the earth’s core (also effected by the drillers) would cause Russia to float north, crashing into the north pole and becoming a frozen wasteland, winning the cold war without a shot fired. (Note: it’s too cold to shoot guns much that far north…see how it works?)

    Instead, the drillers merely destabilized the mid-Atlantic ridge (which comes to the surface in Iceland – note that these volcanoes are actually a surface-level expression of an otherwise submerged tectonic line…cool, eh?) and now, a generation later, we have eruptions.

    Unless we can find some really brave scientists who look a lot like famous actors to get into a driller and re-seal the breaches at the core of the earth, we’re all pwned.

    In a related note…someone has replaced the Yak’s usual coffee with Kool-Aid. Let’s see if anyone notices…

    …and yeah, it’s been that kind of a day.

    1. Nah, Yak. It’s all much more recent than that. The Earth-borers were just old tech forerunners of the Bush-Cheney Weather Machine and Mother Earth Raper.

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