And THIS Is an Improvement!

Keep in mind that this “maroon” is the replacement for Cynthia McKinney in Congress, so as unbelievably stupid as he is, he’s an improvement.


But still, as a Loony Left Moonbat, he’s one of the brighter of the flock.

h.t. Hot Air

Computer Annoyances

Why the %^&* are most USB ports in the back of most computers? I mean really? Sure, one needs a few in the rear, and for notebooks it makes much more sense to put things like USB ports in the rear (at least given the way we use ’em most here at twc central), but what do you need USB ports in the rear of your computer for apart from for a printer and maybe keyboard/mouse? And for a keyboard/mouse, well heck, you really need only one USB port to install a wireless adapter, right? 🙂 OK, the TV remote’s USB red-eye dongle doesn’t have to move a lot, so I’ll give you that one, too.

With almost eveything else, from thumb drives to cameras to even external drives, it’s a real PITA to plug the things into the back.

Oh, well. I just string on USB extension cables galore, since the two built-in front USB ports on this hawg are ALWAYS populated. But still. Seriously, why doesn’t my case have a built-in set of six or eight ports in front that I can attach to a mobo header or add-in card? And why do most add-in hubs only have four ports? *sigh*

Oh. Well. I’ll be adding a USB 3.0 card to this hawg as soon as the standard settles a bit and peripherals become available, anyway. Maybe by then add-on hubs with more ports will be available.

(And yeh, yeh, I know I can always add an external hub. BTDT. Just more desktop clutter. Not that it’d be noticeable. *heh*)